[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

That is truly a strange one!
Never saw this in my Fenix (but even more often, in almost EVERY single flight, this stupid “FLIGHT CONTROLS blah blah error” message appears, caused by the slightest null-zone jittering movement while my joystick is zeroed. I hope so much Fenix is going to patch this because EVERY joystick has some slight jittering and it breaks the immersion always having this purely PC joystick-related error code on the ECAM.)

But again having the two cats asleep and inop is strange and a very interesting and rare failure, what exactly happens with the airplane while this feline error code appears on the ECAM?
Can autopilot one and two be engaged at the same time? If one of the two autopilots cannot be engaged I think in this case a CAT3 and CAT2 error is happening.
Is the ILS glideslope receiver malfuntioning?
What is damaged and not functioning in the Fenix while CAT2 is inop?
What other sub-systems are down and inop?

Oh and did you look under the co-pilots seat? Maybe you find the two inop cats asleep down there? :smiley:

I saw that message several times while I was in preflight.
Having done every preflight procedures while not moving on ground for ADIRU alignment and checked every lights off on OVHD got rid of this message.
IIRC, when I got this message it was one of ADIRUS not aligned.

Do you turn off the displays on FO side?

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Yes, I did.
Could that be the issue?

Yes, turn it a little on even if you cant see anything and the message disappears.


Thank you.
I’ll give that a try!

Turning off the FO displays was indeed the problem that caused the INOP CAT 2 fault.

Thanks again for the tip!

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Anyone knows what is this cb and why is it always popped?

Something in the shape of a small tab with a lable Lsd… give it a try and see if your flight experience any better :eyes:

Is this an insider-joke? Let´s have a look! :smiley:
Ok it´s impossible to see this circuit breaker from here:

Sorry I cannot find any picture on Goole picture search, to check how in a real A320 the rear circuit breaker board looks like and if this “THIS ACTR LSSD” circuit breaker actually exists (or if this was made as some LSD-joke doing something strange with the airplane when pressing it).
But at least I was able to find out that Airbusses with Boeing 737 fur seats exist:

Better than nothing I guess :smiley:

Found this pic where it’s ‘THIS ACTR ELSD’ and a quick google suggests ELSD is ‘Electrical Load Sensing Device’ so it’s probably just a typo

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Now that does sound plausible, especially with the “S” and “D” keys being next to each other on a standard qwerty keyboard.

Good find

I think THS ACTR means Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator. So an electrical load sensing device for that. Not that I know what any of that means but I hope it helps. I did find some airworthiness directives mentioning it when Googling about it though such as Federal Register :: Request Access

Outstanding, thank you very much for this information!
I will correct this typo and upload the patch this weekend.

Eh - what? :smiley:
Ok I wait and do nothing until it is clear what function this always popped circuit breaker has and how it is correctly labelled :smiley:
Aaaw finally a weekend with nothing to do in Photoshop. Just some enjoyable Steelrising and Bloodborne gaming, and a few flight sim videos and one or another nice rainy night flight in the evening…

Uh look at that, looks like the Fenix will get some competitors trying to challenge him.
Aerosoft and FS Labs with an A320 and A330 are rallying up for some more airbussing :smiley:

FS Labs which are known to be the best of the best, versus THE Fenix that is known to be the uber-best of the best.
That will be colossal…

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I don’t think Aerosoft’s Airbus will be a competition to Fenix. At least not in term of the aircraft systems simulation. As for FSLabs, I will believe it when seeing some preview. So far it’s just a four months old announcement on their forum. But bring me their Concorde to MSFS and I’ll be gone for weeks :sunglasses:

With the amount of time it takes to develop an aircraft why would anyone bother doing another A320? A neo I can somewhat understand but my guess is there is little market left after the Fenix A320.

The FSLabs also has the A319 and the A321 freighter, so I´ll take it gratefully :wink:
An A340 (the Super Guppy if possible) and A330, and the A320 version with IAE-Turbines and Engine Pressure Ratio gauge would be cool!

Sometimes the EPR sensor fails when getting clogged or because of icing and one must switch over to N1 mode… And these turbines are already at 50% N1 when putting the thrust lever 2cm forward while the CFM-56 need half of the thrust lever moving space to get to 50% N1.

These turbines add another layer of depth and difficulty to the Airbus and are way more interesting and difficult to handle when the EPR sensor fails :slight_smile:

And beautyful how realistic the FADEC ground power switch is simulated, the FADEC switches off realistically and can be overridden by this panel hidden to the right of the overhead circuit breaker board.

But I still have not found out what the buttons labelled APU EXTING - TEST and RESET do…

FSLabs announced that his A320 will be a NEO variant


have a manual final approach to london city airport, but seems in the Fenix sometimes the ATC will go crazy and keep repeating the approach clearence?