[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

Did you calculate the performance using the perf tool? I haven’t seen this issue at all for what it’s worth.

Maybe this does not solve your problem but yesterday I got the same strange behaviour. Plane does not climb, got slower etc.
Solution was the fenix(?) delete all my data from simbrief. I got no weights, no destination and flew in turn arround modus. Plane was completly blank.

Yes I can.


To be honest I uninstalled it today. Hating the new performance since the update and sounds are worse. The flight model espacially during landings does not cope with the new MSFS winds/gusts system. The flaps produce too much or too less drag and uplift. They don’t seem to fit at the moment. I.e. you can float down the whole runway with flaps 3. It is the only plane, that gives constant stutters even at altitudes above 30.000 ft. Yes I also can.
Hopefully that gets better with the next updates. The highlight is the Prosim flightpath calculation. This works really well.


I have just done the LFMP/ILS 33 star SIJA2P approach via LANET, it poses no problem. At D138K, you must be at 2000Ft FLAPS 2 and 180 Kts (constraints A2000/B185).

yes all perfect! even in PERF I put the cruising speed and when it reaches the cruising altitude, it doesn’t grab it either

where’s the IAE engine :laughing:

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LOWS 33, not LFMP 33, try LOWS 33 by using ILS 15, according to chart, level off at 2500, trk 130 at SI, turn runway heading 333 at 3.5miles from SI, flaps full and descend 3.0 degrees or 700fpm, if in gusty wind condition it almost for sure would trigger the speed speed warning. I tried another 5 touch and go on this procedure and the only way to avoid was add 5kts on the calculated 140kts vapp. Takes off at LOWS also doesn’t feel quite right as well, by using the calculated speeds on EFB, the take off rolls sometimes took way too much runway and very obviously exceeded the V1 stop distance.

O yes, I can :slight_smile: My Fenix taking 100% my CPU and fire my GPU to 95 Deg. with performance mod and GPU rendering xd After 1h of flying my PC slowly disconnect all function: first Navigraph than ATC Chatter and in the end my internet :smiley: This is only plane with black hole eating my PC. I understand that’s the best plane ever with functionality and look so again: yes, I imagine my siming life without Fenix :slight_smile: Uninstalled.

No response on the discord so posting here as well, maybe someone will pick it up, betting on multiple horses and what more can one do…

Don’t know if it’s a bug but I was at cruising altitude, the thrust lever set to CLB and lost my internet connection for about a minute. FS decided to stop the PG, the internet came back after a minute and because FS was quick to kill the PG I had to go to the menu and switch PG back on and save.

Back to my flight the thrust lever was full throttle instead of CLB. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s a FS bug but I found it strange that without touching anything the lever was way out of it’s original position.

Any thoughts?

I believe this is if you have the weight set to lbs rather than kgs the speeds don’t show up. Or perhaps the other way around. I’ve not flown the Fenix for a while, so maybe that particular cause has been fixed.

HELLO again my message

after the last update i’m having trouble getting off the ground! sticks on (FLX/MCT) when the screen tells me to put the sticks on (CL) I move the stick to CL! the speed is at 170 or 180 I haven’t retracted the flaps yet because it hasn’t reached the green (S) on the screen and the plane starts to lose speed and disengages the autopilot…

first photo: I still have the same problem here in the first photo! I’m getting close to 7000ft, sticks at CLB and speed at 160 and going down!

second photo: 7700 feet, speed 160, in PERF you see CLB at 225

third photo: I have to put the levers in FLX so I can get up to speed

What could be the problem or am I doing something wrong?

Is anyone else getting worse performance with the most recent Fenix update??? I feel like I’m getting way less frames then I did prior (graphics have not changed)


Not just you. Oddly I am getting better frame rate consistency when switching to TAA although my fps average is much less than DLSS.

I don’t have problem gaining speed in clb mode and I always fly full load…

On your screen it seems you selected vertical speed to +1700 fpm, it seems too high before the plane gains enough speed, try put it in managed mode instead and it should work


Does someone knows what is Fenix next product for MSFS?

I really hope it´s the Airbus A321 converted cargo plane with IAE turbines :slight_smile:

Well I’d start by using managed speed and managed climb. To me it looks like you’re trying to climb too steeply at that altitude.

I can climb with 5000ft/m with TOGA.
The Airbus is not departing with climb settings or flex settings but with TOGA only. The thrust levers are switched back to CL climb setting and kept there until landing when the flaps are in and flown with managed speed mode :slight_smile:

Wrong. Flex thrust is routinely used during takeoff.