Last noob question and I’ll leave you guys alone. I’m still messing with the 2024 settings, where can you find the option of switching to legacy 2020 controls?
From memory as I’m not in front of FS2024 right now:
Under settings->controls on the left hand side under “keyboard” choice it will say “Keyboard FS2024 Config” or something like that. You can cycle that via the selection menu to be “Keyboard FS2020 Config” or indeed your own custom config if you have already made one. So cycle to “Keyboard FS2020 Config” then set up your custom camera views as you would in FS2020, then it will auto create a new config file when you quit and save called something like “my new keyboard config”, which you should really go back in & rename to “my keyboard config {aircraft type}” otherwise you may end up creating another config with another aircraft, but it will be named by FS2024 as exactly the same name and as such creates duplicate keyboard configs which can get confusing real fast! So make it easy on yourself and give any custom config you create (based on the 2020 keyboard bindings) a custom name that you will remember.
The little cog to the right of the keyboard choice there provides access to rename or delete any configs you don’t need any more.
You change the active control map with the small arrows. Also you can click on the small cog wheels and set it default and apply for all aircraft. And you can also make a copy of the preset, give it your custom name and add, change or remove keys. The same goes with controllers.
I knew I’d never remember that word “transversal” what the heck does that even mean in relation to FS?
adjective: transversal
(of a line) cutting a system of lines.
I thought that I’ve never heard that word before because English is not my native language but I’m fine now knowing that even native speakers never heard that word before, lol.
Apparently somebody at Asobo has though!
I can’t get any of the liveries to show up for the Fenix in MS2024. In the livery manager the community folders are both set for 2020 and 2024 and still nothing. Any ideas or is this a known issue?
You can save a Simbreif profile as a .pln file in MSFS (or create one by hand and save it), then load the .pln flightplan from the EFB and once it’s in the EFB click “Send to ATC” or something like that. (I have done this in the pre-flight screen, can’t guarantee it works once you load into the airport but I guess it should).
Extra liveries show up as a separate plane, so in the plane selection menu you have one thumbnail for default Fenix livery and another thumbnail for additional liveries. It’s a bit messy with all the Fenix variants.
It works but you need to select a stand/gate first and then import the flight plan. Otherwise ATC won’t see it as IFR plan.
The liveries are not showing up. I see the a321 IAE with SL for example. The generic livery is there, and one American Airlines Livery, the other ones for that specific plane type are not shown and I can’t find them. This is the worst system design I have ever seen. Not sure why they didn’t keep 2020’s hangar set up.
Click on that AAL livery and then switch top menu from variant to livery. You will see all other liveries. I can see everything I have installed via Livery Manager or from
That’s exactly what I am doing and they aren’t in there. I have prpbably 50 total liveries across all the Fenix variants. None show up.
For the liveries in the Fenix Livery Manager, you have to delete, then re-download all your liveries, this will re-install all liveries that you had in fs2020, and install them all in fs2024.
For liveries from, just extract them into the Community folder for MSFS2024, which the root directory is Microsoft Limitless or something like that.
Ok thanks! That’s a huge help.
A silly question that may be the result of a suggestion: is it possible that in FS2024 the Fenix with winglets has worse performance than the Fenix without winglets? In my case the Fenix without winglets performs very well, but as soon as I load the Fenix with winglets the FPS plummets.
I understand that far more changes were needed to add the sharklets, than just changing the graphics, so I’d guess that it is possible that the two will have different performance.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the liveries as suggested. Still half of them don’t show up. No clue what’s going on.
The livery selection in FS24 is a bit borked, I find it’s a bit of a searching game to find the livery I want.
Update released.
Aamir on Discord:
Another stability and QOL focused sweep, anything 2024 specific is marked as such - enjoy!
(also fixed super annoying 2024 EFB clickspot bug)
Avionics and Systems
- Wired auto brake indicator to the BSCU functional test performed when the gear is lowered
- Fixed some computers going through the full boot process when loading a quickstart
- [2024] Improved loading/unloading of Fenix (should prevent it from restarting mid-flight, and issues with the main menu)
- Improved robustness of displays
- Fixed multiple crashes
- Fixed missing track line on ND when not managed
- Fixed pause at T/D
- Fixed Throttle n Axis (0 to 100%) not working
- [2024] Fixed keyboard input not working
- [2024] Fixed EFB clicking being unreliable and often requiring multiple clicks
- Fixed takeoff performance being unable to compute for low temperatures