[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

I will try that, thank you ! I just made a quick test this morning and didn’t know about these setting thanks.

I have Intel Core i7 8700K with rtx2080ti and 32go RAM.

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Tell that to my wipers :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I switched from CPU to GPU rendering of displays.

Waaayyyyyy better FPS.

3900X, 3080 in 4K


Thanks. The point is that I’m planning to change my AMD 5 3600 for an AMD 7 5900x like yours (not only for MSFS, I use the PC for work). And from my position it is interesting to know the performance reached by the FENIX. And obviously, if it is true that it is so dependent on the CPU for performance.

I’m curious about the ACARS system, is this something that is worth setting up on hoppie.nl? I’ve seen that it can give you load sheets, but what else could I expect if I set it up?

If change the setting in Felix App from Quality - to Performance still not enough.
Perhap change from CPU Rendering to GPU. 2080TI is quite a decent mid-range GPU.
In my case, change to GPU rendering increase 10-15% fps

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In addition to this guys if you are struggling with FPS I recommend you try these settings, this made me gain 15-20 fps (it is in spanish but the names are very similar in english)

Doing this I am now at more or less 45 fps in 4k, really enjoyable now

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Is anybody experiencing a “jerk/twitch” during autopilot engagement?

For me it loads running but shuts down to cold and dark in a few seconds.


Really? Time acceleration doesn’t work with the Fenix? That’s a deal breaker for me as I’m heavily relying on that feature.

Hey Guys, does your Pushback service work from the EFB or ATC? For me it says not available in any case :frowning:

Anyone else experiencing the click with ‘dropping out of warp’ sound when you change to exterior view?

How to apply always Start in cold and dark?

Set the panel state for Cold and Dark to default in the EFB.

yep, same here :slight_smile:

Same here. Pushback express also fails. Have sent message to fenix

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I am using the TM Airbus Sidestick. Is it my imagination or is there less moving? In the mcdu I got on both sides 100%, for example full up, bit the sidestick of the Fenix does not move this much. In the fbw, I think, it was a lot of more movement of the sidestick.

Turning off hardware accelerated gpu scheduling, setting ground aircraft density to 0 and changing liveries to 4k gave me huge fps boost like 20fps so I recommend ppl with performance issues give them a try, especially the first two. Also two things I miss from FBW is the ability to save interior lighting brightness and cabin voices. Hopefully they will be added in the future.

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I found another heavy bottleneck.

Customers of the Leonardo Md82 found themselves forced to set in-sim ‘texture resolution’ to ultra, without it taking much of an extra drain to performance.

Switching it back to high however fixed quite a lot of stutters with the Fenix. It’s not great yet, but it sure reduces a lot of drain. Too bad though this requires a sim restart so it won’t be easy switching back and forth in the future.

Does the fenix save and reload flight work .pmdg does and reloads the fmc in full . Will never buy a plane again that cant handle that .been caught too many times.