I didn’t have CTD but I did have the sim freeze twice. I made this registry change and haven’t seen it since.
When running FenixSim on ultra graphics, you may occasionally experience crash to desktop. We’ve found a simple way to close off a loop resulting in fewer crashes.
The problem: a thing called Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR) checker monitors the computer’s hardware, particularly the GPU.
When the GPU stops responding with the computer for 2 seconds TDR checker restarts the driver.
The TDR checker was good on paper but did not work in the real world as a GPU can stop responding when it is working hard.
Here is the solution that worked for us, it requires an extra sub key entry into the Windows registry, so please only implement if you feel OK with editing your registry!
Exit all Windows based programs.
Click on the Windows Start button, type regedit in the Search box and double-click regedit.exe from the results above.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Browse to and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers
On the Edit menu, click New, and select the QWORD (64-bit) value from the drop-down menu. Make sure you create a Qword (64bit) key for Windows 64 bit OS and NOT a Bword (32 bit) key because that wil not give the right result.
Type ‘TdrLevel’ as the Name and click Enter.
Double-click TdrLevel and set the value as 0 (it is set to that by default, but double check) and click OK.
Close the registry editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
The same solution fixed CTDs in both MSFS and Prepar3d for me.
If crashes return again after a Windows update, please make sure that this key still exists in your registry! It can occasionally happen that the key vanished after a Windows Update.
For anyone struggling to get arm spoilers to work with the Bravo throttle quadrant, these settings work for me. The key is the ‘on release’ setting for the button - and you need to double-check this after setting it because it doesn’t seem to always save the setting the first time.
Did anybody already tested the EFB on an external device? When I try to Access the EFB with my iPad I only get the Fenix symbol and nothing happens after that. I also tried to activate the port 8083 in the firewall settings but it doesn’t work… Any ideas?
It’s very straightforward in my opinion, much less troublesome than trying to get the fbw throttle calibration set. I am willing to accept a few foibles at the beginning of the release but the controller set up only took me a few minutes.
You did it correct so far. As you have switched on the X-Feed both engines are supplied by the right tank now, because the pressure from the right fuel pumps is obviously higher than the gravity fuel pressure. If you are not able to Land with the amount of fuel in the right tank, you have to descend to FL150 (with exceptions) which is basically the highest FL for Gravity Fuel Feeding. Then you close the X-Feed valve again ( otherwise you will eventually lose engine 2 due fuel starvation). If you still can not land in reasonable time then, you will end up in single engine operation.
Ok, got my Bravo programed but now I have another problem. I’ve got flight plan in FMC and everything set up for takeoff. I take off and cannot engage the autopilot. Is there a trick I’m missing. I’ve watched YouTube video’s and it appears so easy but mine wll NOT engage. Any suggestions? Thanks guys
Bought on the first day of release. Great product indeed.
2 identified issues for me:
Pushback no working (TUG trying to connect and failing). Tried in multiple airports, gates and ramps.
Sim rate block - this is a non starter for me and if I knew the option was blocked I would not buy it. Traditional tool, worked in every sim and plane that I recall. Should I apologize for cutting cruising time due to time constraints? Or do just 30-40 minutes flights? C’mon…
PMDG able that in full I heard.
Yea this is really BIG for me. I really hope they address this. ASAP, because it’s litterally not usable for me and I assume a huge chunk of ppl who fly this.
I got it engaged for awhile but it disengaged on it’s own and the plane climbs like 2000 feet then drops 2000 feet and the speed is all over the place. Could something not be set up right in the FMC.
When Fenix ist loaded on airport, everything is turned on.
I setted cold and dark as default.
After turning on the Tablet it goes cold and dark.
Does not make any sense to me. I want the plane started in cold and dark from the beginning. Is it a Bug?