A320 approach issues

I’m not an airline flyer so dont have the hours a lot do in airliners but twice this week had an issue ive not had before and not sure if im missing something or there is a problem.

When i start a flight i load a flight plan into the FMC usually just ending at the dest airport in this case EGBB ( i usually load flight plans via the flight planner in the world map)
As i approach destination i select the appropriate approach for the weather i never use a star i just select dest airport in FMC then select approach and select the bits i want for example say ILS 15 Via BHX1 and insert to flight plan.
i can see the flight plan update and i can see it on the MFD when i get close enough but the issue im having is that instead of heading to the first way point of the approach is just selects the airport and heads there and turns in circles…ive never had this before im not sure if im missing a step or what.
you can see in the pic i posted i got to DTY ok then it went straight to EGBB totally ignoring everything else. It is in heading mode because i took over and flew it manually, it locked onto the ils via approach mode without an issue
Im using default A320 and LVFR series.

Are you doing a direct to ‘DIR’ of the initial approach fix? If you hit DIR they should be listed (say CF15), so select the one you want and it’ll add it to the plan and fly to it. Not sure if the default A320 does it in one step or a TMP confirm bit, but that’s the gist.

No im not doing DIR and never have, im just sitting on runway playing around and ive noticed is in the pic i posted i have two EGBB where as when i red id it on rwy using same flight plan i got this

I have the same issue. ATC had me too high for ILS capture so i had to do a missed approach and the auto pilot had me doing cirlces over the airport. Tried to insert a temporary waypoint but nothing happened