A320 Asobo Cruising altitude


my question is , why is the A320 not reaching its cruising altitude.
I entered the correct altitude in the FMC, but the A320 climbs so slowly and usually
does not come above FL 300.
More manual thrust and manual VS does not help.
Why isn’t Asobo fixing this problem? I think the flight characteristics are very poorly implemented for a new generation flight simulator.
At least reasonable physical flight characteristics should be expected.

Best Regards Hendrik

My advice to be honest would be just to download the A32nx mod, by now every simmer should have this mod. The reason I say this is because it has minimal bugs and much better than the Asobo version which is far from the real thing. With the A32nx you no longer have to rely on Asobo fixing things. flybywiresim.com


yes I know this mod and 2 weeks ago I flew across Europe and the USA for hours.
Even if a lot of repaints are installed.
Since the last updates from MSFS and Microsoft, the mod no longer works for me.
All flights with the mod end with a CTD.
I don’t know if the mod now takes up more memory than the previous versions. Even without paintwork in the community folder, it didn’t help.
When I fly the same route on the standard A320, no CTD occurs.
Therefore, currently only the default setting for flying remains.

No fun at the moment with the simlator.

Are you saying FMC (which is called the MCDU) or the FCU (which is the panel at the front glareshield?

But I’m with everyone else here. Just stop using the default A320 and just get the A32NX mod. It’s a separate standalone aircraft with its own custom FlyByWire system and Autopilot mechanics.

You just need to make sure you’re using the latest FlyByWire installer version. The development version of the mod gets updated almost daily. So if you haven’t been updating it regularly, chances are it’s outdated and might cause you some CTD.

The problem is , the A32NX mod crashed at the moment my simulator every flight.

Yes, I meant the FMC, because I enter the flight altitude there on the INIT page.
Of course, I then put them on the MCDU.

Then there’s something definitely wrong with your installation for the NX mod. The last time I had crashes due to NX mod is because I screwed up on the AI Air Traffic Livery and the use of Generic planes. But as soon as I identified the issue and correct it, I never get crashes anymore.

Do you have any recording on your flight? Maybe there’s some steps that you’re missing when climbing.

Again, you’re not using the right words. As @Neo4316 pointed out, the A320 doesn’t have an FMC. It has an MCDU. So you can’t put the flight altitude in the FMC and then into the MCDU.

You might mean that you put the flight altitude into the MCDU but then what do you mean by FMC? There is no FMC.

And to address your issue, have you put all the other required values into the MCDU? Are you climbing in Managed mode? Where did you get the numbers to program the MCDU? Are you climbing in Autothrust?

You mention “manual V/S”. That’s usually a bad idea and part of the reason you can’t reach cruising altitude. Just because you tell the plane to climb faster doesn’t mean it physically is able to.

Doesn’t sound like there is anything wrong with the plane to me. Sounds like pilot error.

Erm, of course the A320 has an FMC (FMGS in Airbus terminology).
It’s a separate +400 pages manual IRL.

The MCDU is just the pilot-FMGS interface.

Ok, my mistake. But I still think there is a communication error here.

Definitely! Difficult to troubleshoot that way.

Payload, anti-ice systems and atmospheric conditions affect the aircraft service ceiling.
I am not sure it’s Asobo’s fault this time.

I couldn’t reach cruise even with 30 passengers and 6T of fuel. I ended up changing some settings in the engines.cfg file. More info in this post :slight_smile: Airbus A320 neo lacking climb performance after update - #67 by HudsonMasters

What was your climb speed?
What was your flight level?

Uhhh… I’d advise against changing the values in engines.cfg if you don’t know what you’re doing.
I suggest to just install the FlyByWire A32NX mod, and be done with it. That mod has been vetted by Airbus pilots and engineers alike. So you can be sure it’s accurate. If you can’t climb to cruising altitude with that mod, it’s pilot error. Because I cruise at FL380/390 all the time without issues.

just adds more power to the engines as it’s clearly lacking at the moment, does the trick for now

Maybe you didn’t place your thrust lever in the correct position?

Yeah, changing it does the trick, but it’s still wrong.

been simming for 20 years i know about thrust levers

Then how can I reach cruising altitude easily without changing any engine values after only half a year flying the A320 in the sim? :man_shrugging:t2:

Impossible to troubleshoot since you still haven’t answered a single question.