Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.
No Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
No Brief description of the issue:
The autopilot in the A320 (stock version) is no longer following the designated path when activated. This did work weeks ago. Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
I create the flight in the main menu so that I do not have to enter anything into the MCDU. Once I take off I press autopilot and am good to go (this is what I usually do)
PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)
Airbus Thrustmaster Side Stick
2080ti, 16gb DDR 3200, 1gb SSD,
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Microsoft Games Pass (have now erased and reinstalled the game twice this week) Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Microsoft Store Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?
No, not yet.
You’re saying A320 stock version, yet your screenshot suggest that it’s the A32NX mod.
Check your joystick deadzone, make sure you have at least 5-10% on the Thrustmaster TCA sidestick for all axis.
Also, make sure your flight model is set to Modern, and not Legacy.
This is a different but common issue usually this tend to always happen on certain airports on a certain STAR. picking a different STAR or different Airport usually don’t have this issue. And for those airports and STAR that doesn’t have this issue will usually never happens, but to those STARs and Airports that have this issue, it always occurs.
Neo - this solved my issue. I was on Modern, but never before tinkered with the deadzone. That solved the issue. What does that mean? Is my joystick broken?
One quick solution for this bug is to set DIR - first waypoint on the approach path. The a/p will then follow the approach course to the designated runway.
The same happens with the 787, in that case a direct route to the waypoint is set by double clicking the waypoint in the LEGS section and clicking EXECUTE.
So @MrFuzzy4528 I’m doing this by setting the next waypoint in the DIR but when it gets to the waypoint it jumps again one or two more waypoints. making a mess and withdrawing all attention during final approach.
The worst thing about this is that it won’t be fixed anytime soon.
I doubt they have idea how to fix it. It has been there since the beginning.
On my setup the “DIR trick” always works, it’s strange… to troubleshoot make sure there are no addons in the community folder and try to increase all the deadzones of your controllers to 15%.
Ah, one more thing… usually when the approach bug manifests, another bug occurs after landing: ATC ground services don’t give you the option to be guided to parking or gate.
I remember in one old interview Asobo said they did not make “study-level” aircraft to avoid stealing business from other developers. I gather that selling non-functioning aircraft (because a/p is a basic feature, not a study-level one) is like stealing money from buyers??
I would have preferred 10 good aircraft instead of 30 malfunctioning ones, but you know… from a marketing perspective 30 aircraft sell more