A320 neo Auto-pilot not working PC

PC Steam Version

The Auto-pilot system on the A320 has been working great since the game came out but today it is not and the A320 decides to fly in circles after Auto Pilot is turned on. I have everything updated but it is still acting weird just today. I did not change anything from yesterday when I was flying fine.

I use the in game flight plans with no addons apart from some liveries and some other aircraft. *Edit: I have the Garmin G1000 NXi installed from the game also.

Thanks, hope you can help.

Which A320 do you use? The default one from Asobo or the FlyByWire A32NX mod?

the default one

Have you added some deadzone to your flight controls axis? Need at least 5% deadzone on all axis for the autopilot to work properly.

We also recommend to use the FBW A32NX Dev version.


I have a bravo throttle, previously when I pressed the ‘VS’ button it would engage and I would either go up or down in altitude. After latest release 7.1 A32nx, this doesnt work and I have to use the mouse and click. Has anyone else noticed this and do you have a fix?

also problem with the dev 320 fbw
autopilot switching off by itself right after 5 min into climb
impossible to switch it on again, and also throttle not calibrated anymore (especially when set on CL)
any solution ?

so its not only me
 Auto pilot light on bravo throttle doesnt work, Engaged speed mode switches to managed. More bugs with every update.

Strange. I’ve just completed a short flight with the default A320 without any problems.
Gladiator NXT is the only connected hardware.

sorry i’m talking about fly by wire A32nx

Have you calibrated your throttle detents using the EFB Flypad?

Hi everyone. Thanks for replying. I installed the FlyByWire A32NX mod and the auto pilot is working fine now.

Thank for the help.

A mi en va passar el mateix dos o tres dies després de la darrera actualització del A320 oficial. A32NX funcionava bé sense problemes.
Ho vaig solucionar amb Ctrl + v (Anivellador d’ales quan tens el pilot automàtic encùs)
Ara ja no he tingut cap problema.

autopilot worked fine before u5 still does not work,
i have set a dedicated switch for localiser (LOC) i have logged this bug a wile back ( a20 neo ) pc

Auto pilot and Speedometer and the Buttons on any of my Airplanes dont work at all is being like that since the last update. I am Not a PC savy and dont even know how to used this website so I can Ask for a fix.

I have the same issue, howver I am using a keyboard on a PC
I have got a warthog throttle and joystick
Is this my problem

Problem with the HDG light on my multi panel With the A320 neo it comes on immediately and it will not go off. When I put a flight plan in it stays on and the plane flies the route It should be the nav light that is on and if I want to select a heading, I cannot do anything with it. No other airplane has this problem the NAV light always comes on when flying a flight plan.
Does anyone else have this problem and is there a solution

I’ve been having a problem with the autopilot not engaging for the past week or so. I’ve been using the FBW A32NX since its release, and I’ve made no changes to my PC or sim settings recently. Autopilot fails to work with both the Stable and Development models. It also fails to work with my Community folder both fully populated and not. I’m not finding any recent comments about this problem, so I’m assuming it’s something that I’ve done without knowing it. I’m hoping someone can offer a solution, or at least a workaround, for this situation. Thanks in advance for your help.

The Fly by Wire Neo doesn’t work for me at all .On the panel for the default A320Neo there is no NAV button
someone suggested pushing the HDG button to get NAV and pulling the HDG button to get HDG this is silly and doesn’t work either. There is a LOC button and when this is pressed my APR light comes on.
When I press the APPR light on the panel the APR light also comes on, so there is something seriously wrong with the design of this particular aircraft. The Aerosoft Payware CRJ 500 and the CRJ 700 don’t work the way they should either.

Have you flown any Airbus in a simulator before, or is it your first time flying it? Because reading your questions, you’re explaining something as if you’re new to the Airbus based on the terminology that you use, or that you’re used to flying non-airbus aircraft and expecting the same thing to apply in Airbus as well.

Before you engage the NAV mode in the autopilot, you need to make sure you program your flight plan into the MCDU. FlyByWire doesn’t do well with flight plans created from the World Map in MSFS. It’s meant to be entered through the MCDU either manually, or imported from SimBrief. Without the flight plan programmed in, the NAV won’t work. It’s not poor design. It’s working exactly like in Real life. Because in a real A320Neo, if you don’t program the flight plan in the MCDU, the Autopilot NAV mode won’t work either.

Also, you need to configure your control settings appropriately as well. If you’re using Mouse as your pointing device, make sure you set your Cockpit Interaction setting to “Legacy”, this will allow you to “push” and “pull” button depending on where you hover your mouse pointer over the Heading knob. If the cursor points “up” this means you’re ready to “push” the button. If the cursor points “down” this means you’re ready to “pull” the button. And Push and Pull a button behaves differently in an Airbus.

So if this is your first time flying an Airbus, you need to compartmentalise what you learned from other aircraft and don’t use it. Because Airbus has different philosophy, different way to operate, completely different flight handling and different terminology and uses. So you need to do a bit more learning from scratch for them.

As far as the Aerosoft CRJ, my question still stands
 When you say they “don’t work the way they should”, do you mean you have hundreds or thousands of hours of flying the CRJ either in simulator or real life and you feel that it’s definitely not what the CRJ is suppose to work? Or do you simply mean, they don’t match your own expectation based on what you learned about different aircraft from somewhere else?

Figured it out In the General options under Accessibility and Cockpit Interaction System it was set to LOCK, and I changed it to LEGACY and Now i can see arrows above and below the HDG button to set a hearing or fly the flight plan .