A320 Neo Landing issues

What was your airspeed?
If all was good, the default A320 is not the best.
I would recommend you try the mod.
It performs a whole lot more realistic.

Not 100 sure anymore. But in the range of 130Kts.

I tried flybywire today. Its just slightly better but still not real. I can fly my 320 at 98 Kts. If i know how i would make a video.

What version of the mod did you use?
Personally, I would recommend the Custom FBW version.
The stable is the “least” accurate of the three.
98 kts is pretty slow to have an A320 still in the air.
I’m not sure a vid would be of any other help in any case!
I would also think there will be some good improvements to the MSFS planes in the Sim Update due on the 11th.

0.5.2 is my version of the FBW A32NX.

That is the stable version, and has since been updated.
The current is 0.5.3, it may be better in this regards.

If you like the mod, I would recommend you switch to anything but the stable.
It is the “worst of the best”
If you don’t mind editing a throttle file, I would recommend the CfbW version.
If you aren’t into that, try the development version.
Either is quite an improvement over the stable.

have download has broke my recent download of A320 stable version after probs following UK download as suggested by kind reply here for help…now my A320 has no avionics all glass screens now blank

Do you have the latest version of the Mod?
Also, the Stable version is the worse of the three.
I would recommend you try one of the others,
If you don’t mind editing a config file, the Custom FBW is very good.
If you don’t want to do that, try the development version.
If you don’t have the installer, here is a link.


hi many thanks for that man have changed over to the mod and that seems to work but it does not sound as good as the stable version and views are limited so will restore tha stable version an c if that reinstall after latest down loads mess up is a fix or if not go back to mod version and reapply view setting to key board
am going to try out your links too
again, many thanks support mucho appre

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I’ve had this happen the other way around at about 50ft the nose drops down. This isn’t an autopilot issue either because I typically disengage autopilot long before getting to the runway. Once I hear 1000 i disengage then manually bring the aircraft in and I’ll begin to flare then at 40-50ft it’s like I lose control of the side stick. Like my input is just stopped and the nose drops and I have no time to recover.

The nose is supposed to drop at that altitude.
The airbus is designed that way to ensure that you flare.
What is odd is that you can’t recover.
Do you have too much of a deadzone in your controller?
Which 320 are you using, default, or FBW?

I’ve been using the defaul and yeah I’ve had it happen in the past but I’ve been able to counter it which isn’t all that hard. But seems like after SU7 I have absolutely no control when it happens and I can no longer counter it. I’ve checked setting on every type of controller I use. My sidestrick and my controller. I don’t have any deadzones. It doesn’t happen on any other aircraft but the A320. Even the 747 I can control it and trim it out but the A320 it’s like all control just stops when it trims itself down like that.

If you have both controllers plugged in at the same time, it may be one overriding the other and the result more noticeable with the A320.
You should try the FBW version.
The flight model is significantly better with the FBW, and that may solve it as well.

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Nope that’s not the issue either I’ve already tested that

Currently I’m on my Xbox. My PC was stolen. It’s just confusing to me why the A320 flight model was even bothered with. While not perfect it was already good enough with little to no issues.

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Disappointing to hear your PC was stolen.
I don’t think too much was changed in the flight model of the default A320 that I’m aware of.
Using xbox does prevent you from using the FBW version unfortunately.

Did you try playing with the other settings, like reactivity, and sensitivity?

Adobo please do a hot fix for this issue

flying the A320 i find of late when descending below 1500 ASL i get thrashed about in turbulence even in a clear calm sky wonder if anyone else has this problem which is getting worse of late and if there are suggestions that might help with this isseue

Hi. I have always had this problem but stumbled across the solution in another post.

I had the AI trim switched on in Assistance. Switch it off and all will be fine. You will be able to flare perfectly.

I dont think this information is out there enough.