VOR are not working on the panels, nor they indicate DME.
I haven’t checked other planes though.
VOR works, but only when you have VOR selected on the ND.
The DME does not.
If you use the A320mod, the DME does work.
I already have installed the A320mod but I don’t see the VOR(s), nor the DME(s). They show selected at the bottom of the ND and at the top is right corner is blank. Any ideas?
How to know if the mod is really active?
The VOR needles only work when “VOR” is selected on the ND,
are they showing up when that is being used?
The DME on the ND (that display you mentioned at the bottom) will display the proper distance when in ARC mode, and a frequency within reception range is entered in the nav radios. #1 on the left, #2 on the right.
There’s something wrong on my end. I can’t see the VOR bearing needles, nor can’t I see the DME distance. In arc mode you see the arc distance from the airplane, not the DME. I can’t see the DME distance where it suppose to be in the display.
Can you send me a screen shot of what you see?
DME is Distance Measuring Equipment, I have never heard the term ARC distance.
The distance to a transmitter is just that, it’s not measured differently in different displays…
Give me a bit, and I’ll post a photo!
Yes I know DME is the distance to the station. What I meant with he arc distance is that you see the different arcs and the distances from the airplane.
Thanks for your pic, and I see that the DME is displayed at the left bottom. I don’t have that. It seems I am still using the default A320neo. I installed it as per instructions. Do you know how to check if the loaded plane is the mod one?
Look in your community folder.
The folder for the mod should read A32NX.
If that folder is inside another folder for the mod, that is the problem.
If that doesn’t help, use this installer.
I would not use the stable version, use the developer.
This installer will check for updates.
Use it everytime you plan to fly the 320 before you start the sim.
Let us know how you make out!
I reinstalled it using the installer and it works now. I wasn’t using the mod at all.
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