A320 Rolls left on retard and flare

This is a known bug of roll control loss since the first launch of the game. You can better experience it when you manually land the plane. As most of users use autoland, the bug doesn’t have big effects (and can even not be seen). It doesn’t depend on your speed, CG, weight, etc . However, it seems to be related with the fly-by-wire system as turning off FCTL buttons on the overhead panels make the bug somehow diseppear.

From my experience, the rolling effect bug occurs more or less depending on how you were manually (or the autopilot) rolling your plane just before touchdown (to keep be aligned for example). To avoid it as much as possible, you have to be straight before the flare. It can roll on the right or the left, for example, if before touch down you input action on the roll axe of your controller/joystick, etc… then depending on how hard the input is and on which direction, the bug will increase this rolling and not let you control it. If the rolling bug is not too hard, you can counter it by fully input control on the opposite direction.
I hope I was clear ^^’

Please, be sure to report the bug and vote so that this issue can be resolved as fast as possible. It’s becoming really frustrating and annoying not to be able to land right and not to be able to fully control your plane when landing.