A320 Tips & Tricks

Overspeed issues. Have to manually throttle back.

clean? flaps up , spoilers closed, gear up?

Like the guy above, I too can’t climb past the FL350 - 360. Speed at that height usually drops to something like 210-220 kts (bit over .600 mach) and thats it. Not manually nor with autopilot, if I increase my aoa i start to stall. I tried with TOGA, CL and Auto throttle. Nothing. Any tips how to get to FL400 ? Not sure if its supposed to be like this in real life? I had same difficulty going past FL 380 with the Boeing 787.

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which is about the ceiling for an A320. Sounds about right. Normally you would cruise about FL310

You need certification for that IRL

Hmm i see a lot of A320 neos on Flight Radar cruise at FL390 though. Looks pretty easy for those lads :smiley:

Fair enough :slight_smile:

Hello! I realized two things that are bothering me.

  • The first would be that I noticed a loss of performance after the V0.40 update, more precisely within the VC. It is not a big impact, but I realized in relation to the previous version. (could it be due to the amount of improvements ?! What do you think?
  • The second thing I see is that it takes a wrong parameter on the descent below 10,000 feet. He must keep 250KIAS and not 250Knots (200Kias) as he has been doing.

In addition he looks fantastic. Every update has more news! Caprichem in the modeling of the FMGC I am marveling at the improvements!

Thanks for the post,
but when a plain is not real flying and have full with bugs its impotent that this is fix furst.
Than is practis a good thing becaus you now its you and not the plains
behaviour why its go’s rong.

If you’re use A32NX mod, they’ve implement a feature to slow down the rate of climb the higher you go. It’s still possible to reach FL390 as I always cruise at that altitude every day. It’s just really slows the higher you go and the closer you get to that altitude. I think it’s normal since they’ve implemented the feature based on the documentations to support it.

Also, your Cost Index (CI) values will affect the rate of climb as well. Airbus has a CI range between 0 - 100. Based on the actual airbus handbook that I’ve read, the lower your CI value the more emphasis the aircraft will put to fuel efficiency so it’ll try to reach the cruising altitude as soon as possible. But if you put a higher CI value, it’ll climb a lot slower to prioritise airspeed to get to your destination faster by burning more fuel.

So play around with that. So while it’s slow, you can still reach FL390 on longer flights.

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Can you tell me the difference between 250 Knots indicated airspeed and 250 KIAS?

KIAS is, as you suggest, indicated airspeed. Kn(ots) is actual (calibrated) speed. Big difference as you climb.

Nice. Never knew that CAS was referred to as plain Knots. Learn every day :slight_smile:

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i just started flying A320neo. here’s the list of resources I have used to learn about the plane and how to fly it.

  1. A320 docs: http://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/AIRBUS/A320.html
  2. Chuck’s Guide to A320: Chuck’s Guides – FSX FSLabs A320 | Mudspike
  3. Cockpit instruments: Table of Contents
  4. MCDU tutorial & emulator: MCDU Emulator / Simulator for Airbus - practice and learn Airbus MCDU programming procedure, accurately models how the display really works in the aircraft
  5. Real MCDU: https://youtu.be/hzknF9qIUm4
  6. IRS & ADIRS: https://youtu.be/Uho3RxBvWMY & https://youtu.be/yymLRv0Zqjc
  7. FilbertFlies tutorial → A320 from cold and dark to pushback: https://youtu.be/rNEY23pN-q4
  8. 320 Sim Pilot tutorials (MCDU setup, takeoff, AP, ILS landing): https://www.youtube.com/user/filanjix
  9. (BONUS) The History of Airbus: https://youtu.be/j6fCvglzsMw

hope someone will find it useful :slight_smile:


A step climb also will do the trick to reach FL390, works fine for me to fly at the higher FLs.

Might want to forget that “learning” because it’s not right. And on the A320, KCAS and KIAS are the same. The only difference between the two is that KCAS is corrected for position error, which is the error in the ability of the source of the static pressure (either a pitot-static probe, or a separate static source on the airplane skin) to sense the true static pressure of the atmosphere around the airplane. In modern airliners like the A320, the static source error is known and included in a correction applied to the speed displayed on the electronic airspeed indicator.

The cost indexes for the A320 NEO go from 0 to 999. The variation with speed for CI and other parameters is not modeled well in the MSFS A320 (nor the FlybyWire mod, which currently does not change this aspect).

The latest developer version of the FlybyWire mod has changed the default climb and descent speeds to 290/M0.78 and something like 285-290/M.78 to 250 at 10,000 feet and below. This is both more realistic for most cases and should provide better climb capability at higher altitudes. There is another change that will be released soon that provides aero and engine fixes to improve taxying capability, pitch angles, and climb capability (reduced in the initial takeoff climb phase and increased at high altitudes).

They are just starting to look at modifying how CI and other parameters affect FMC ECON speeds.

When you use the flaps the plane gain a lot of altitude and after it loose until reaching the altitude in the PA and this one can’t follow an FP correctly without going in circles.

ca n they fix planegoing off AP paths? That be great!!!

I think that’s going to be a while. They would have to re-do the autopilot. Hopefully, Asobo will fix that soon!

AP may maintain the original vertical speed performances:
INITIAL CLIMB to 5000ft - VS +2500ft/min IAS 175kts
CLIMB to FL150 - VS 2000ft/min IAS 290kts
CLIMB to FL240 - VS 1400ft/min IAS 290kts
MACH CLIMB to FL390 - VS 1000ft/min MACH 0.78

INITIAL DESCENT to FL240 - VS 1000ft/min MACH 0.78
DESCENT to FL100 - VS 3500ft/min IAS 290kts
APPROACH 1500 ft/min IAS 250kts

With this ratios, will be as real life.