A320 v2

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A320 v2 does not respect restrictions on the climb, only on the descent, this is after last month’s update or the day before, and man, the Flex takeoff calculation is giving much lower than the climber, which should be lower, understand, so solve it, folks who are watching the report this also at beacons (radio beacon flashes on wing random
in addition to normal beacons

A320 v2 nao respeita restrição na subida apenas na descida isso depois da atualização do mês passado ou ante passado e cara o cálculo de decolagem Flex tá dando muito mais baixo do que o climber que deveria ser mais baixo entendeu então resolvam a galera que tá vendo repórtar isso também a becons (rádio farol pisca na asa aleatório
o alem da bicons normal

I’ve noticed it not adhering to restrictions on climb every time. Sometimes it does but I’ve not noticed a repeatable pattern yet. Also, sometimes when it does adhere to the restrictions, it gets to the waypoint where the restriction was and instead of moving over from alt constraint to managed climb it goes onto Alt* and tries to climb at 7000fpm

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