Holy moly! So I was crusing at FL 200 with the stock A320neo and reading some forum posts here while I’ve heard the engines going to “idle”. While I was ALT+Tabbing to MSFS the engines had completely died and all screens were completely dark (shut down)!
I panickly tried to start the APU again (which I remembered from the movie “Sully” ;)), but to no avail. The aircraft nose already followed gravity quite steeply, and shortly after I crash-landed in some grass field near Carlisle (Scotland - I was on my way to my newly purchased airport Edinburgh, EGPH):
This is with the “Modern” flight model, but “Crash” disabled (hence MSFS considered my crash landing as “success”, according to the flight log which popped up right after). I don’t have any A320neo related addons installed (in fact, I was flying with the default livery as well, as seen in the above screenshot).
I do have some scenery related addons installed (in the Community folder), such as the “We Love VFR Region 1 & 2” and “Powerlines” addons - but I doubt that such scenery addons would have an effect on the flight systems of any given aircraft?
Once the flight log was popping up I pressed “Continue”, as I was curious whether I could restart the engines somehow, but to no avail:
- Neither “auto-shutdown/start” worked (CTRL + SHIFT + E, CTRL + E)
- Also evaluting the checklist did not seem to work: all button lights and screens remained dark
UPDATE: This screenshot was taken after I had tried to restart the engines. During the flight (and specifically at the time of the “blackout”) the engine selector was reset to NORM for the entire flight:
This was a “low IFR flight level” flight from Liverpool (EGGP) to Edinburgh (EGPH - which I obviously never reached), starting from “cold and dark”.
Crash site:
All flight parameters (especially fuel) were left at their default values, and according to the following dialog I should have had plenty of fuel (47%) remaining:
Engine Mode was reset to “NORM” and the APU turned off. Everything was “normal”, AFAICT - until again, “everything went dark” (while I was reading some posts here in the forum - should have paid closer attention perhaps ;)).
Technical details:
- Graphic Details: “Ultra”, except
- Glass Cockpit Refresh Rate set to LOW and
- Motion Blur DISABLED
- DX11
I was flying with:
- Multiplayer: LIVE PLAYERS
- Generic AI Traffic: ON
- Generic Multiplayer: OFF
- Traffic Variety: ULTRA
Data: everything enabled (Bing Data, Photogrammetry, …)
Rolling Cache: Enabled (cleared and rebuilt after I installed yesterday the World Update)
I found some older bug reports (October 2020 already, e.g. this one), but they did not gain much traction - one “solution” seems to be related to set both multiplayer and AI traffic to generic models, but that seems to be a bit “esotheric” (and again, that bug report is from October 2020 already).
Anyone else has recently experienced this “blackout”?