Hi everyone!
Quick question. After setting up the MCDU, following all the tutorials etc… I simply cannot get the thrust to go past 82.5% on TO, even when I TOGA thrust manually…
I get two orange blocks at 82.8% and the thrust is limited there no matter what I do… see orange blocks in picture during climb phase…
Any idea’s?
I’ve noticed that too, haven’t messed with the MCU takeoff data besides v speeds.
I don’t see thrust limited to 82.8%.
Commanded N1 and indicated N1 are both 90%, which corresponds to the climb limit.
Have you calibrated the throttles in the EFB by the pilot’s side window so that full forwards on your throttle = TOGA in the A32NX?
What you see now is the correct behavior, the previous was wrong. To see the thrust being set you have the moving blue circles, they will tell you which N1 is to be expected with a certain thrust lever setting. The N1 is the engine displays show you which N1 the engines currently have.
Most of the time, the right value will show you the corresponding N1 of the next detent or the one you‘re currently in.
There is a special condition for on ground with engines running, in that case it shows you selected take-off thrust being either TOGA or FLX.
I hope that helps.
Curious why the orange N1 limit bug is lower than the actual N1.
Ok it seems I misunderstood. You mean the orange blocks.
That will be reworked as soon as the upper ECAM is rewritten in React.
There is currently even more missing (i.e. the commanded N1 arcs from the ATHR)…
Yep! I get MAN TOGA in the PFD, it’s just TOGA is limited to 82.8% every time.
@Raynen @PIC4506 @PZL104 @AGuther Thanks for the feedback… Ill expand a bit more… see below photos when I was messing around at the hold short line to get some screenshots for you guys.
As soon as engines are turned on for taxi, the top right of the upper ECAM shows TOGA in blue, and 82.8% limit as you can see below.
I tried setting a flex of 50 in the MCDU, which limited thrust to 81.5%, but then deleted it, and it reverted to TOGA 82.8%. Thought it might reset it.
Throttles are calibrated, as you can see I have MAN TOGA engaged.
Also, this morning I got the purple T.O Inhibit ECAM memo… not sure why…
So not really sure what I am doing wrong. Anyway, it doesn’t really affect the flight… N1 just seems very low and incorrect to me.
Don’t forget that we are talking about the LEAP-1A26 engine here…a lot different to CFM of the CEO.
Those N1 are indeed realistic.
Example: according to FCOM thrust rating for TOGA on pressure altitude 0 ft and 16°C TAT without air bleed is 84.0 %N1.
Hope this helps.
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According to the METAR slip in your screenshot, temp is 8 deg C and according to your altimeter, you are 500 feet altitude. When I look that up in the TOGA thrust rating chart, the corresponding N1 is 83.2%, exactly what you see. What are you expecting?
The T.O. Inhibit message lets you know that non-essential messages are inhibited during the takeoff roll so you aren’t distracted. There is a similar inhibit at landing.
@AwarePlot117729 @AGuther I guess those were the answers I was looking for!
First time trying Airbus, and the LEAP’s, and it just seemed like such a low N1% for TOGA that I thought I was doing something wrong…
Thanks for the help!