A32N Nav issues post SU8

Why did they ruined the a320N so bad. Purchased levery’s, airports to dupilicate real life airline routes now it’s all useless. Very, very dissapointing.

They should priorotize their stock aircraft to work correct.


On my flight just now from EDDH to EVRA, the Airbus also lost the STAR. In addition, ATC missed the time for the descent. I was supposed to descend from 37000 feet to 3000 feet. I am on XBOX SU9 Beta. yesterday it was still working.

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It’s really worrying how many things get randomly broken with every update, with no apparent relation to anything that is supposed to have been fixed. What this suggests is that the code is an absolute mess so that changing one thing can have consequences for various completely unrelated things, and the programmers have no way of knowing until we discover it.

Which explains why a lot of things that have gotten worse since launch and regressed several updates ago, are still not fixed. They simply don’t know how to, or fixing it causes a bunch of problems elsewhere. It doesn’t bode well for the future, and is probably a consequence of bolting the game on top of FSX code, which no doubt seemed a good idea at the time on cost grounds and being able to use a studio without any experience of flight simulators.


The navigation problems seems to me be related to the place where you fly since we don’t have problems in some airports, never…
For example, Bilbao airport in Spain, the approaches works perfectly even the RNAV.

Maybe you right. Today from Porto to Paris CDG absolutely no problems, perfect flight. I really don’t understand it anymore.

Maybe we could create a list of airports where it works.

Unfortunately the weather radar seems to me not working in any place…

Hi. The same for me on PC version. I don’t notice this problem for FBW A32NX. Just on Asobo default A320 Neo.


Voted. Having the exact same problem. As soon as I hit the first waypoint of a STAR it auto directs to the runway waypoint then disregards the remainder of the flight plan. Have to fight with the MCDU each step of the way after that to keep it on track or take over with a selected heading.

Shame that they can’t get the basics right.


Does anyone have an update on this, regarding SU9? Fixed, yes, no, better, worse (hope not)? :wink:

If I use an ILS approach, the aircraft follow the waypoints as it should, the problem is with RNAV or VOR approaches only where the aircraft skips waypoints.

It seems to Drift off course when looking down at FMC or instruments.

If you click then left stick to go from cursor to flight control mode and give a correction back on course it seems to recover.

Strange behaviour how the autopilot (a computer) behaves like an intoxicated human losing spatial awareness almost as though it gets somatogyral inner ear illusions and dizzy by looking down at something.


I think your description is spot on. I have the same problem on the xbox but haven’t been able to describe it yet. the behavior is especially annoying when flying with the concorde and working on the ingeneurpanel. is there a separate topic about this yet?

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Default A320 or FBW?

Has this issue seriously not been logged yet? The AIRAC is completely bugged as well.

Can moderators get the word out on this game breaking bug? This has been unbelievably frustrating.


Personally I have issues with the FBW version and AP lately as well.
Once the plane takes off, I activate the AP and everything seems ok but after 10/15 minutes it doesn’t follow the NAV path anymore and it changes altitude as well on it’s own.

It seems that it completely looses the GPS signal.

No mods installed here…

This is interesting, I’ve been running into this problem described in this report for a while now and I as well noticed the weird USER waypoints being inserted into the flight plan but didn’t make the connection.

For your workaround, are you just reviewing the flight plan or manually editing it prior to entering the aircraft to make sure no USER waypoints are present? I’d like to give your workaround a try to see if it helps, because this issue kind of ruins IFR flight plans.

No solution. The problem persists.

There’s an annoying work around for this. First, make sure to leave approach and arrival as automatic on the world map page. Then, when atc clears you for an approach, enter whatever transition they give you as a waypoint above your destination in the flight plan. Then select your arrival and transition and add to the flight plan. This results in the AP correctly following the arrival route. This also seems to fix issues with the plane not properly slowing down to the correct speeds for landing.

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Same here on Xbox Series X.

  • Something might be wrong with the USR waypoints. During almost every approach when I’m about to approach the USR waypoint, it deletes the following path to the next planned waypoint and turns 180 degrees to some other waypoint
  • during PLAN mode when skipping through the waypoints on the MCU it jumps back and forth between some mid route waypoint and one in the approach phase
  • when activating the autopilot the plane does strong rotation moves even though it’s kept right on the green cross mark before activating it
  • hearing rain noise when there is no rain

Still the same issue on SU10 beta

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