Is anyone else having navigation issues the the A32N since SU8? #xbox - the aircraft drifts off course, and cannot follow an approach. Waypoints either get cut or nav mode takes the aircraft any way it wants but not following the pre-programmed approach.
There seem to be a lot of bugs with the A32N post update.
- V speeds are out
- Nav mode has problems
- Climb thrust seems off
- Weather radar still broken
- Aircraft doesn’t decel automatically on approach or follow approach paths
- Deleting a waypoint / using the direct to function changes the nav path but, upon arriving at the new waypoint, the aircraft flies back to the very first waypoint in the flight plan
I can’t account for points 1-4, but have definitely noticed that the A32NX no longer decels automatically on approach since SU8.
Yep same here. PC steam version. No other mods. It will skip waypoints, start randomly turning.
I just finished a flight in the stock A320 and noticed it doesn’t follow the Glideslope anymore along with the problem y’all are seeing. It only went off course once tho.
Yes, same issues on PC. SU8 was not a good one.
For the nav issue there is a workaround that i found. In some sids and stars there are these USR waypoints. If you fly over them they will send you to a random waypoints or one of the last waypoints. If you just go direct (on the mcdu) to the desired waypoint the aircraft will follow its path normally.
Hi…I have been flying the A320 Neo on Xbox X and since Sim Update 8 I have noticed that the autopilot fails to follow the flightplan the way it used to. The aircraft seems to have a mind of its own and wants to drift off course. I hope Asobo can get this fixed. Also I have noticed that ATC will tell you to climb to your cruise altitude, but fails to give any “Descend” commands like it used to. Not having any fun flying the sim when things like this are screwed up.
I also noticed these bugs after last update last week.
The AP leaves the route when entering the first waypoint of the arrival procedure and guide the airplane towards directly the landing rwy.
And a strange fixed “user” appears.
Even setting the correct waypoint by the FMGC direct function, the aircraft does not follow the procedure. It is necessary to turn off the AP and proceed manually.
I just don’t understand Microsoft. Why all this concern about adding more and more details to the scenery and leaving the quality of the aircraft aside? This should be a simulator!
I regret buying an XBox Series specifically for Flight Simulator and just being able to fly like Google Simulator.
The main one I’ve had is the aircraft will ignore the ready of the approach waypoints and turn directly for the runway. For me it’s not a very big deal as I just manually fly it in. However, on low visibility approaches this gets very troublesome
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In your case I recommend using the freeware FBW model.
A pity for XBox users who have to make do with the buggy A320.
It’s funny how a freeware model can be much better than the model made by the giant Microsoft, which even after almost two years still has grotesque errors with thousands of players paying for it.
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It seems to be on any approach that has an USR. The plane will just turn directly towards the runway.
I’m almost certain it may have something to do with the recent AIRAC update. Nonetheless, there is something very wrong with Asobo’s A320 right now.
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I just hope they solve it.
I was waiting for the point where the A320 had an acceptable navigation system working together the AP and RNAV app working to try the XBox version. So I bought the XBox and one week after the update brings back “that” A320.
Sad, I’m a Flight Simulator fan since the 6.1 version (1996) and for the first time I’m very disapointed and looking for other sims.
Same here, no Decel in Asobo A320, not even any ATC communication as you close in on the destination airport, it was only a few weeks ago when I was saying the Asobo A320 was great to fly as everything was working OK, that didn’t last did it!
Talking of 320’s
Has anyone noticed the sound difference in the FBW A320? if you have sound settings correct outside the aircraft and then go inside, the sound levels are close to zero?
Also with the FBW
When flying in a storm or most cloudy weather settings, both PFD screens and Standby vary in brightness as you pass through the clouds … really annoying!
I fly the default A320neo all the time and it never loses navigation. The weather radar has never worked and it still doesn’t so that isn’t a change. The aircraft does decel at DECEL, but after that I take speed management over manually. Never missed the glideslope either.
For me it’s sort of hit and miss. Sometimes 3 flights in a row it misses the approach, turning directy towards the runway out of nowhere resulting in all sorts of disaster and panicking in the cockpit . And then out of nowhere, the perfect flight. I really don’t understand.
At this point the 320 has been the most reliable for me. The weather radar seems to be working but I think it could be better. Sometimes I have had to turn it off and back on to get it to work but for the most part its ok. I had the 320 go of course once I believe in about 10 flights recently. As far as ILS and the approach its always been hit or miss with all AC in my experience. I think its more the airport rather the the actual plane itself. I had way more issues with flight following in the 787 that I posted on here, it forced me to use the 320 and I’m so happy I did. FYI there are two great addons I got, one is for a more accurate thrust in the 320, and my fave so far is an addon for the accurate lighting on the exterior of the AC. I highly recommend.
When flying in a storm or most cloudy weather settings, both PFD screens and Standby vary in brightness as you pass through the clouds … really annoying!
It’s normal and a realistic effect. When you fly in the darkness, you need to reduce screens brightness, it’s the same thing when you need to reduce your smartphone screen bright to use at night time.
Yeah I thought it was to represent that change, but it’s far too extreme, it goes from too dark to total whiteout where it’s impossible to read, I like the colour settings rich and slightly dark so I may be getting the extreme changes.
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I now have to fly approaches manually, the plane no longer follows the programmed approach. Also, sometimes ATC forgets to give me descent instructions until I’m almost on top of the runway.
I’m probably putting the A320 in the hangar until the next sim update.
Yesterday I realized that the weather radar is not working too…
Please MS/Asobo, just come back with the last A320 before the update. Was not perfect but it had less problems than now.
RNAV approachs was working, weather radar, AP was following better the navigation…