A32nx new issues

Here is the analysis I created for @SuperSixBravo. It’s unclear to me what happened, I think it’s a sim issue. The hardware spec is quite good, so I think we can rule that out. It’s quite strange to be honest.

Flight 1



Pitch & Roll axis




We see that on time 2856.54 the high angle of attack protection was activated and the AP was disconnected. The alpha floor value was exceeded, but alpha floor is inhibited above M0.6 so it was not activated.

More detailed view:

Performance View


It seems that for us unknown reasons your sim got into severe performance issues that produced large delta times (between 3 and 16 seconds). I have observed myself that with such pauses (also when they are much much smaller) the acceleration goes crazy. This can also be observed if one moves the pop-up displays around too long.

So it’s a good question why you had this happening out of a sudden. Maybe it needed to load something or intermittent slow internet connection? I have no idea to be honest.

It seems you never exited this mode after it happened. When you want to exit this protection mode, you need to apply stick forward, here from the FCOM:

If we look at flight number 2, you also see spikes but it seems it was not going that bad for the sim data:

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