A32nx PFD, MFD and MCDU all off

I haven’t been using the FBW A320 Neo since WU X.

Now every time I load it (whether it is the stable version or the experimental) all the screens remain black when I turn the power on.

I have uninstalled the plane (and the additional folder that creates aside the Community folder.
I have deleted the cache
I have reinstalled the FBW A32NX

no change.

Anyone experiencing the same problem? Thank you

Can you send a screenshot of the Content Manager screen under the “Profile” section of the MSFS main menu, while searching for “a32nx” in the search bar?

This will help identify conflicting installs.

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There is only the A32NX (experimental, though I tried also the stable version).
Bear in mind it always worked perfectly. I just updated via the official installer and updated MSFS, of course.
After about a week that I haven’t flown the A32NX I experienced this bug. It may be a conflict with another add on… I was hoping it was a common bug.

I just updated the experimental version with the latest build… this is the situation :frowning:

Try without anything else in the Community folder and a clean reinstall of the plane.

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As in: start the APU or switch on the battery?

Screens will only come on with GPU or APU.

FENIX time!

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Of course. GPU on and all brightness dials tuned up.

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Thank you. It worked. Now I gotta find the conflicting plugin :slight_smile:

Liveries are often the culprit, in my experience.

So it turns out, no need to switch planes :wink:

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you’re the man :smiley:

It was a livery. I still have to identify which one. They were the last place where I would have looked for an incompatible file with my A32NX PFD! I was pretty sure it would have been a free mod or even a scenery file… never a livery.

Thank you.

Some liveries overwrite some files due to being improperly made and will therefore cause the simulator to not load some vital components the aircraft needs to run. That’s why they can affect things.

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Same thing happening to me. And yes, removing everything from Community folder fixes it. However, as I don’t want to lose my 500+ community add-ons I would really like to find the culprit - I removed all the a32nx liveries and it’s still happening.

If I only knew what to look for…

There is nothing left in my community folder with a *.cfg file containing a32 and yet something is somehow breaking it. It’s enough to drive one insane.

have you tried to turn on UTF8 inside windows settings?

I have, that doesn’t fix it, but as I said, removing everything from Community folder fixes it for me. However, I’d like to find out which add-on is causing it… if I only knew what to look for.

oh, looking through 500+ files :pensive:

There is a “quick” way to find a faulty addon: download any free addon manager (I use the MSFS addon linker, does the job perfectly), divide the community folder in 4-5 subfolders (whether with criteria - aircraft, airports, sceneries, etc - or just 100 per folder) and run the sim no more than 4 times to identify the folder with the faulty addon. Once you know the 100 potential, divide them in 50 and run the sim one more time to guess the faulty group… and so on. Much better than selecting a single one at a time to find out, at least :smiley:
If you studied a bit of programming, you may remember many other effective search algorithms (or you can look them up). I hope it helps saving time :slight_smile:

Of course, if you sort them in categories, it is even quicker to identify it, as you would guess, as you reduce the potential set of addons, which ones are connected to the problem.

I found it! In my case it was an add-on called B78XH which is supposed to be improving the default 787 (I have no idea why that would break the FBW). I had an older version of it, the latest one doesn’t break the a32nx (but I removed it anyway).

The way I found it was by moving half by half all the community modules I had until I narrowed it down to a single one (took me about 7-8 iterations I think).

I know this thread is a bit old now but I have the same problem. No liveries, nothing else in community folder. uninstall and new installation of aircraft. Done the UTF-8 too. Both the FBW A320 and A380 aircraft both have the AVAIL lights on but nothing happens when pressed. They were both working prior to the most recent 2020 update.

Any further ideas?