A32NX - PFD reflections?

What on Earth are the reflections of in the PFD’s of the A32NX. They look like a pile of old rags to me.
I looked behind me but there is nothing that remotely resembles what these reflections are supposed to be?
See attached image.

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Its not a touch screen so I doubt that and they look nothing like the smudges on the screen in my car?

Go ask the developers. They will tell you.

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Lol, well thanks for the sound advice and I will do that but as I was here I thought I’d ask as well !!

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You got your answer then.

Oh, you are a joy, perhaps somebody who DOES know the answer will reply on here :slight_smile:

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Its not fingerprints, it moves during turns. Its a reflection or bleed through of something.


Believe what you want. Have a good one. Bye.

Exactly, thank you.

Well I don’t believe you and thats a fact :slight_smile: Bye

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If you look from extreme angles you can see it’s the relection of the person taking the pictures of the cockpit for the textures. I think you can even see the camera/scanner from some angles. Go to one side of the cockpit and look at the PFD in daylight from about 45 degrees.

Looks like the overhead panel to me.

It is a picture of a dude ona glider. Its the same for every airplane, no one can change it. Will be the same for FENIX, PMDG, anyone… unless ASOBO lets devs change the image used for reflections of the displays.

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