A330-900neo not working

I downloaded the Airbus 330-900neo off flightsim.to and the instruments in the cockpit dont light up and indeed they are not working at all. I got it off the site from HeadwindSim any one got any ideas how I can rectify this please.

They have an installer now. I would recommend removing anything you have downloaded, and use the installer instead. There is a very recent release available. 4.0.1 I think.

If you’re still seeing issues, the “empty you’re community folder” step is next :+1:

Sorry what installer is it you are referring to

Hello @Philbert1417 ,
Welcome to the forums!
I have moved your post. General Discussion is not a help category.

I have moved your post to Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, where people can ask for flying help.

Just Google it.

How do I stop the a330 from bouncing up and down in flight?