Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to help OP if there was a fix, but that’s Asobo’s job here. It’ll usually trigger on longer flights (3hr+ or so flights) so I can imagine either not many people see it, or have seen it and Zendesked it already.
There’s a few, from a quick search:
[image] Hey so once in awhile when I am flying my 747 in FS 2020 a pilot will randomly appear in the seat and my instrument screen will go black/blank an I loose control of the aircraft it’s a odd bug can anyone please help me?
Flying the Dreamliner. Autopilot activated and cruising at 41K feet. All going well so I decide to slew in a forward direction to speed up the flight. When I ended the slew and returned to the cockpit, this is all that’s there. No instruments or anything other than the basic cockpit panels. Also, the pilot and copilot models are visible. The normal cockpit views work as expected.
I’ve tried going to graphics settings and changing entire view from Low to Ultra to custom. No fix.
So every so often I get a bug where the pilots in the cockpit visible when I am inside the plane, and I can’t use any of the instruments bug?
Im on the end of a 14 hour flight and I can’t use anything in the cockpit