On my long haul flight I wanted perform a step climb but the way I’m used to doing them (i.e. while in cruise change the altitude on the MCP, change it in the VNAV cruise page of the FMC and if nothing happens press the VNAV MCP button) did not do anything and the only way to climb was to switch to V/S / FL CH. Pressing the VNAV button in climb made the plane level off. Am I missing something or is this not modeled?
Hi there,
The Aviate, Navigate, Communicate category is the help area for flying, so I am moving your post there.
Noticed the same thing, this is not proper VNAV functionality
I noticed the same today and was wondering if that was a bug. Looks like it is.
edit; good news! the SU13 release notes show this line:
Might even install the beta later to test it out if there are no significant broken parts