AB320 Fenix in msfs 2020 windows PC

Ok i notice this black deformed graphic paint on the front of the Fenix, and it happens on the Default Livery that comes with the plane also happens on other Livery’s as well i tried several livery’s all of them have the same problem…
i’m not sure what this is but it’s a glitch not sure if it’s because of my graphics settings, but it doesn’t happen on any other plane, just the Fenix and i have like 60 planes or more and none of them do this…
here is a screen shot if any one can figure out what could cause this and if this is just a fenix problem…

You should post the question on Fenix discord server.
How to Join the Fenix Sim Discord

I’ve seen the black patch with Fenix if using FSRealistic walk feature but never in the menu.

what is FSRealistic walk feature??
oh like when you want to walk around no, wasn’t doing that.
this shows up at airports in the air, and when you go to your profile hanger that is where i took the screen shot.
so what you saw in the picture also shows up when your at a gate parked or flying in the air or what ever…
i have tried to get on discord once you join the discord server to join there channel you have no access at all unless some one grants it to you which is dumb now you got to wait until some one gets around to fixing that…
i also sent a support request to them have not heard from them at all yet i just thought i might post this and if some one has had that problem sees it they can tell me what is going on…

@RiptideBlack is correct, the bug reporting section on the forum is for 1st party using the supplied template. Not for 3rd Party addons.

Feel free to continue in your existing topic here:

The Bug Reporting category is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce. Using the template is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to the test team.

All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.