Ability to remove or add co-pilot or passenger models per flight

It would be really great if we could choose to have the Co-Pilot avatar in the flight or not. Sometimes I want/need to fly alone with the accurate weight representation. Yes I can set the Co-Pilot weight to 0 but seriously all we need is a checkbox to enable/disable the character model.

This could potentially be expanded to fill the passengers seats as well? At least for the smaller GA aircraft to start with.

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Easy … pick one of the Pilot models to be the Missing Pilot… corrupt it’s Texture name, and it wont show.
Then that Pilots is your “Mr Invisible” Co-Pilot.

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Yeah that’s kind of not the point though. You can also edit the Aircraft.cfg and remove the line related to the co-pilot.

All i’m asking for is a checkbox in the UI to remove/add that very line.

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OK, since have done that by an edit, and would have preferred to have it done by the UI, I have Voted … OK … (to be honest – for what little good it will do )

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Thanks for the vote. It is a cosmetic feature for sure, but I didn’t think it would be too hard to implement which is why I thought it was worth putting it out there, also with the potential to evolve into something much bigger later on if they had actual passenger models on airlines. :slight_smile:

Well, I think any changes to the UI, are far more complex to do than you may imagine … but we will see …

A small change to the UI, adding a tick box (or weight function).

An extra 2-4 lines in the external model (most aircraft have the copilot there already)
An extra 2-4 lines in the internal model (most aircraft do NOT have the copilot there already)

This is insanely easy to implement!

I did it for my DR250 and Caravan No Pod.

Another dev activated internal copilot models for all default aircraft on flightsim.to a very long time ago.

Also, more passenger character models, even if available as an add-on download for passenger occupancy would be definitely appreciated. Pilot models feet are sitting out as if they’re on the pedals. Passengers need to have their feet down resting on the ground.

Per seat is a small tickbox (or weight function)
Per seat requires an extra 2-4 lines in the external model (most aircraft have the copilot there already)
Per seat requires an extra 2-4 lines in the internal model (most aircraft do NOT have the copilot there already)

Also, quite easy to implement.

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