Achievement 'JACK OF ALL PLANES' does not count DA62 + Zlin Savage Cub

Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Microsoft Store

Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Brief description of the issue:
Finished a flight with Beechcraft Bonanza G36 from YCBA to YSTW (285nm), which successfully increased the progress of achievement ‘JACK OF ALL PLANES’ by 5% as expected.
Finished the same flight plan (with same flight conditions and settings) with a Diamond DA62 - achievement progress is NOT increased, thus DA62 flight is not counted for this achievement.
Tested the DA62 with a bunch of different flight plans (also > 300nm) with no success.

Edit: DA62 also fails with SU7. Furthermore also Zlin Savage Cub fails with SU7.

Assistance Mode: True to Life
PC Store Version (SU6) + (SU7), all content manager updates
Empty community folder, no mods, no custom liveries
(Marketplace ‘Garmin G1000 NXi’ not installed during this test)
No Dev mode

Additional notes:
I also tested Cessna 172 Skyhawk with G1000 NXi, which also failed.
After uninstalling G1000 NXi, Skyhawk was successfully counted.

Aircrafts, that where successfully counted for this achievement with v1.20.6.0:

  • Beechcraft King Air 350i
  • Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan
  • Cessna Citation CJ4
  • Beechcraft Bonanza G36
  • Cessna 172 Skyhawk WITHOUT G1000 NXi

Aircrafts, that were successfully counted with a simulator version prior to v1.20.6.0:

  • Daher TBM 930
  • Airbus A320neo

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Select assistance mode ‘True to Life’.
Plan flight YCBA to YSTW with RNAV30 approach. IFR, low-altitude.
From parting spot to parking spot (cold&dark).
Manual ATC management. No AI assistance.
Land at destination airport, request taxi to gate and follow taxi plan to given gate.
Stop aircraft engines.

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?

All of the achievements are horribly buggy.
I actually completed Jack of all… A while ago but it was one of the more frustrating and such a mess I needed to create an excel spreadsheet to keep track and it did indeed take multiple attempts on the same aircraft (pretty much most of the planes.)
Just keep at it.
Full “true to life”
No mods/add ons of any kind.
Don’t let the Co-Pilot do anything.

I actually chose routes where I could find a good tail wind between 2 airports to help speed things along. (I used the Windy app and website to help find the wind. The live weather was reasonably close to the real weather in most cases.)


I saw the same bug on Xbox. When I did this challenge, I made a paper list of the planes (20) and followed the progress manually (5% by plane) to know which ones had been made.

And at one point I noticed that it was not progressing normally. The DA62 made a mess, and if I remember correctly, had even erased the progress of several other planes, but not all. In short, it was then difficult to find those that had been done and those that remained to be done.

I finally managed to be successful, but I had to redo some flights.
Sure there is a bug with the DA62 for this achievement.


oh yes, I also created a spreadsheet, which seems to be really mandatory for this achievement :wink:
Ok, your procedure looks like mine.
So I’ll try some more flights with DA62. But hopefully, the achievements will be fixed in general…maybe with the “Reno” release, that would make sense.

95% here, only plane to complete is ICON A5 but ii have completed three flights and will not click 100%. All other flights allowed co pilot to do most of flying(Sometimes that was a disaster) and only 300sm was required. Next will try 300nm and me doing the flying *that will fun, not) Just noticed all true to life boxes were not hard.
edit: just completed flight landed at YPPH stopped and had a CITD. ■■■
17/11 update did 2 more trips neither counted and were both over 300sm, Doing my head in and this plane could not fly straight for love or money

Last plane req’d the Icon flown 4 flights of 300+ and no acknowledgement of completion. Current 95% should be now 100% what gives? Only thing I can see is I’m stalling it on deck. nothing different than preceding planes. Any idea’s?

ICON is not working for me as well. No idea, seems to be buggy as well.
Tested DA62 with SU7, still won’t be counted for this achievement.

Flown the Icon today and successfully got the plane counted for this achievement! Ensure, that you disable all mods. I think I had enabled an Icon mod last time (Icon A5 - 2021 Performance Edition With Upgraded G3X Avionics & Autopilot » Microsoft Flight Simulator).

Hi LarsoPolo Thanks, have no mods on A5 am trying a few of other planes to ensure I didn’t inadvertently miss one of those. Although they look OK and will retry a5 again.!!

Tested some other aircrafts for this achievement wit SU7.
The following were successfully counted for this achievement:

  • Aviat Pitts Special S2S
  • Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental
  • Cessna 152
  • CubCrafters XCub
  • EXTRA 330LT
  • ICON A5
  • Robin DR400-100 Cadet

But beside DA62, also Zlin Savage Cub has a bug and won’t be counted for this achievement.
Both tested with SU7, no mods at all. Assistance True to Life.

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There are a TON of bugged Achievements. I really hope Asobo takes the time to reevaluate the code and fix the issues before the release of SU8.

I get so much pushback for raising Achievement issues because there are “more urgent items.” The weather system will never be perfect. The there will always be a new part of the world that could use an update. The physics engine can continued to be honed for years.

My point is that Achievements are a small, one-time fix that can be done relatively quickly and once they’re done, they’re done for good.


Bump. Im surprised this topic is not closed. Its been over 30 days.

My Pitts S1 Flight did not register. Its was sure over 300 miles. KMOD to KSMO is 264 doing IFR which puts it over 301 Nautical Miles.

Hopefully I see the cheevo progress in steam in Sim Update 8 beta. Sim Update 8 Beta Has been good so far, and even unlocked My Way. Voted.

DA62 registered for me in Sim Update 8 beta, first iteration.


I just completed a 300+ NM flight in the Ziln Savage Cub on the 3rd and last iteration of the beta and it did not give me credit.


Just had the Extra 330 not work for me 3 times in row!

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The devs don’t care.

I just completed a 281nm flight (SYBT-SOOM, 323 miles) with Zlin Savage Cub and finally completed the achievement with SU11. Puh. That was a hard one.
Used AI piloting this time (don’t ask how many times I tried the Zlin by flying manually) and increased the fuel during flight using the in-flight menu. Both did not prevent counting the achievement.
So SU11 really seem to fix things regarding this achievement.

Before SU11 I tried to re-fly planes, I was pretty sure that they were already counted. I’m using an Excel list…but just for going sure.
And indeed, flying TBM 930 again increased the counter to 95%.
I was sure, the TBM already increased my counter in the past…but who knows.

After that I tried to delete all marketplace content I had purchased (only a handful aircraft, airports, sceneries…as well as Aviators club liveries). Of cause with a community folder being empty as well.
And tried the Zlin again - without success. So conflicting addons are really not the problem.

So, summarizing it: Zlin seems to be fixed with SU11. And DA62 was not a problem in my case but another plane I thought I had already finished.

I hope, this helps someone. Good luck with SU11 - You should give it a try.

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I have now finished it and can verify all aircraft work correctly. The sim is just picky about some things.

which a320 neo did you use? I have a v1 and v2 … AI piloting for V2 does not seem to work and I haven’t put the time into catching up to the learning curve… V1 did not seem to get counted correctly.

As for the original post… I was able to get both of these to count as of the latest sim update in Jan 2025

The V2 won’t be part of the achievement in question. It was added later.

OK… Then it really looks like the a320 neo (V1) and the Robin DR400/100 Cadet are broken again for this achievement… I can’t get either of these to count.