Achievements requiring no Assistance

I decided to work on these achievements and am doing the ones that require “no assistance”. I want to do “My Way” and “Job Shadowing”, but started with the simple “On the Green”. On the Green simply requires you to land on the grass runway without using any assistance. I selected “True To Life” under assistance options… just changing instrument heads up displays all to Off. I did a cold and dark start up in a Stearman… did all radio communications properly… and landed on a grass runway. Did a proper shutdown and still didn’t get the achievement. I tried the same with a few other planes including the Cessna 152. Still no Achievement.

What’s the catch? I wish they were more specific on requirements and explanations for attaining Achievements. I checked and achievement site in a link found here in the forum. It’s mostly old, obsolete info.

On a side note, I’d also like to do “Jack of All Planes” where you complete a 300+ mile flight with every aircraft in the standard edition of Flight Simulator. I am 30% through that, but have no idea which planes I already flew that distance as the flight log doesn’t show distance. Heck, I don’t even know which planes are from the standard edition. Is there a way to break down the achievement?

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Jack of All Planes
Aviat Pitts Special S2S
Cub Crafter X Cub
Diamond Aircraft DA40NG
Diamond Aircraft DA62
Extra EXTRA 330LT
Flight Design CTSL
JMB Aircraft VL-3
Robin Cap10
Robin DR400/100 Cadet
Beechcraft Bonanza G36
Cessna 152
Cessna 172 Skyhawk (G1000)
Zlin Aviation Savage Cub
Daher TBM 930
Beechcraft King Air 350i
Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX
Cessna Citation CJ4
Airbus A320neo
Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental

I had to create a list and keep track myself. There’s no real easy way to do it after the fact.

You can use AI pilot for this achievement on planes with no autopilot, but you have to monitor closely or it may crash enroute. Don’t let it land for you. :laughing:

You can also take advantage of a custom weather setting and give yourself a hefty tailwind.


I’ve been chasing this achievement since the sim came out, I think it is bugged (at least for some). I have landed on scores of different grass runways in all kinds of planes and locations on both XBox and PC and it has never triggered. Same with the one that requires you to land on an incline (can’t remember the name of that one).

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One of the landing challenges tripped more than one achievement for me. It was one of the high wind, grass runway, steep incline landing challenges. I forget the exact name.

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I was flying in a plethora of default/free/payware planes, landing on various airports, strips and bush strips including but not limited to Paro, Lukla, Courchevel. I flown around the entire planet three times. I landed on some Indian Ocean Island airstrip during a hurricane. I got all the assistances switched off since the beginning (although i sometimes use the taxiing navigation, because the ATC instructions are useless). The ■■■■ “land during >5kts wind without assistance” achievement never triggered. I’m pretty sure i landed during much worse weather many times. It’s broken.

thought also something to take in count, is having dev mode off… but yeah many achievment doesn’t work as expected, and maybe require more detail on the way they should be done

I was really willing to try to catch many of them before 2024 but fast realise how broken they are, I did surrender

I just recently unlocked these landing achievements. I did it on the EPIC one and if i’m right it was the BUGALAGA landing challenge.
I got 4 achievements when i got that landing:

Light Chop

Land at an airport where windspeeds are in excess of 5 knots, without using any assistance.

7 jan om 9:33

On the Green

Land on a grass runway, without using any assistance.

7 jan om 9:33

Short Stuff

Land on a runway shorter than 2,000 feet, without using any assistance or bypassing any travel.

7 jan om 9:33

Uphill Climb

Land on a runway that has at least a 12 degree incline, without using any assistance.

7 jan om 9:33

Job Shadowing

Create a flight plan based on a Live Traffic aircraft, then fly the route without assistance.

Got that one on 7 jan om 11:25am

That one was easy. I live close to Amsterdam, so on the map I went to Schiphol airport, clicked on a green plane, create flight plan and start. Then you can skip the flight to approach and just do the landing, after you land you should get it, at least, that is how i got it.

The My Way achievement I also have unlocked, but I had to do some retries for that one, probably doing something wrong, but that one I also got.

Try that landing challenge, BUGALAGA in the EPIC one, that is how I got it, let me know if you got it?!?!

I would, but right now i can’t even touch MSFS without having intense seizures of pure rage.
I ran into the annoying bug where every fourth or fifth launch, MSFS resets the settings to default and i have to go through the “this program is launched for the first time” bullsheeeed.
The first time it happened i just shrugged, fixed the settings and went back to flying.
But the last time, for some reason, it resurrected the bug i haven’t seen since 2021 - the fookt mouse controls.
Despite having exactly the same settings for mouse camera, they work in external views, but not in cockpit.
I’m used to having inverted vertical mouselook. Since the early nineties. It’s almost impossible for me to take a look around the cockpit if it doesn’t work.
I even started a post about this problem back in 21, some people ran into it as well.
In my particular case, the problem went away by itself without me noticing. Don’t know why.
But now, after the MSFS wiped my settings for the umpteenth time, the fukt cockpit camera controls are back.
I guess i’m gonna have to fly only in VR until (or IF more like it) it starts behaving normally again.
So i’m having a bit of a break from MSFS, because all the adrenaline and popping blood vessels in my eyes aren’t good for my health.
I have no clue what Asobo/MS are doing. They always seem to almost make it. They’re improving the planes, the sceneries, they finally seem to be on teh right track, the sim works fine for about a month, the world looks amazing during the daytime, i finally get to start enjoying flying in MSFS, and then boom, two steps back.

So, i did the Bugalaga challenge, the only achievement it unlocked was Uphill Climb. Weird that it didn’t get triggered by landing in Courchevel or Lukla, which are my go-to destinations if i want to land a prop manually.
For some reason, it also lighted up achievements My Way, Flights of Fancy and Night Owl.
I did already have the Flights of Fancy achievement, but Night Owl and My Way triggered just now, despite the fact that the dates of the achievements show September and October 2022.
I’m still missing the Start Me Up achievement, even though i circumnavigated the entire planet in A320Neo, and i ALWAYS spawn in cold&dark, and the “A Few Bumps” achievement also didn’t trigger, even though during my 1000+ hrs flying with MSFS, i landed in much worse weather than 15kts wind, many times.
Just last week i attempted to land at BIRK in zero visibility and 46kts crosswind gusting to 64. Yeah. Bad idea. The weather was really extreme. So i thought “no problem, that’s why there’s autoland”. The automatic approach was STELLAR. The deviations were tiny. But when i took the controls for the touchdown and massive decrab, i caught a massive gust that just shot my right wing upwards. Before i could react, the left wing hit the ground, and it was byebye.
The next day the crosswind got down to 20kts and the fog cleared, so i managed to land.
I might be wrong of course, but i’m really convinced that 20kts is more than 15kts, yet the achievement is still dark.
NVM, at least it trigered SOMETHING. Thanks for the Bugalaga tip!

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Thanks, that worked great, and first go as well :flight_departure::flight_arrival:

The Bugalaga landing challenge worked like a charm! 4 achievements in one go, dankjewel RoachclipNL!