Acknowledgement from the devs?

Other than the reload yesterday it works as good as the Beta on my PC.

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Wasn’t this update the acknowledgement?

that one was staged you didn’t know?

back on topic.
nothing to acknowledge anyone for this disastrous regression.
graphics are worse, control systems being changed silently, lots of people that can’t even load the game (I’ve been there for hours until I realized that disabling multiplayer allowed me to play)

there is not a single industry right now with a so abysmal quality standard as the software industry is nowadays.

13+ years exp sw. engineer here.


I agree, I think this patch is a 9/10, the issues are minor (blurry ground textures and a bit of pop-in when turning the camera too fast) and only incompatibility issues from 3rd party software are causing 90% of the issues.

We just need to wait until those 3rd parties fix their products so they work with this major patch.

No need for a statement from Asobo imo.


I think that, for most people, the sim is performing very well, even after the latest update. The happy simmers are flying around having a great time, too busy to write posts here. The unhappy simmers are in these forums complaining. So I really do believe that the impression these forums give does not represent how the average simmer experience this build.

For me, it works perfectly. I am currently descending towards Cape Town after a long trip from Heathrow in the 747-8. I don’t know why I am one of the lucky ones, but maybe a clean install and no mods etc. in the community folder (yet!) plays a part.

Thank you very much, MS / Asobo!


Many of us have no third party products at all, we keep the community folder empty and we still have crashes.


I think that where you start troubleshooting.
If it works plugged into the cable modem then the problem is not with FS

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Yes, it is running perfectly smooth on both my PC and Xbox. Other than the seaplane rudders not working all is good.

Are crashes the main issue though? 90% of the posts I have read are complaining about LODs not crashes.

I am sure a few users are experiencing crashes but since most of us are not they might be linked to some hardware or specific product.

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I had all of one CTD with MSFS since release. I have had eight today. All in the middle of flights. When it runs, it runs great. But the CTDs make it close to unplayable. Thats one data point.


You’d think that, but everything else works absolutely perfectly and as I said I have been playing since release last year through every single update with no major problems like this until this last update. It is clearly a problem with the update.


If its HW-specific, its something introduced in this update for me. I was running the previous update Monday in my usual flight. Not a single crash. FPS around 30. With SU5, FPS is almost 50 in the same spot, but three CTDs in an hour.


Just want to be mega clear here. Yes a lot of users will not have problems. However, it is clear that there is a much higher volume of users with issues. That’s why I started this topic. Let’s keep it friendly. We all enjoy the same thing. :grin: Have a great evening everyone. Let’s hope we all get to a point fo stability.


Yeah it definitely seems like there is an issue then, lets see if they patch it in a couple days

Just want to be mega clear here. Yes a lot of users will not have problems. However, it is clear that there is a much higher volume of users with issues.

Are you trying to say people with issues are the majority? Or a higher volume compared to previous updates?

Never a truer word said


Third party products include all those purchased on the marketplace - something that almost everybody forgets about. For example, Orbx Londond Landmarks hangs the sim on the loading screen for me if I spawn near London. It’s a marketplace purchase. I’ve removed it for now until it’s updated.

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I obviously have no statistics to answer that question. But there abbreviation “CTD” is in a lot of the posts in the last 24 hrs. And considerably more than I recall in previous updates.


Remember negativity bias in any online feedback channel. People with problems are more likely to post, people without problems are happily simming. I don’t doubt “many” people are having issues and I hope there are prompt fixes. How many “many” actually is statistically, nobody has any idea, and it’s highly unlikely it’s a majority.