Currently there is no way to really tell your progress through the learn to fly and challenges. Challenges are a little easier with some history in the log book, but the log book doesn’t tell us much, if anything about the progress in the learn to fly course. A simple checkmark on the lesson would suffice.
Would it be possible to put a checkmark next to completed landing challenge activities etc in the menu so it’s possible to see at a glance which ones you’ve done and which you still need to do?
100% agreed that we need to be able to see which Landing Challenges (and Bush Safaris, but I’ve not tried those yet) we’ve completed, and what score we got.
Yesterday I did some, but not all, of the Famous and Epic landing challenges. Now I’m going to have to check my log book to be sure of which ones I’ve comepleted and which I haven’t.
This also applies to the Live Challenge. There’s no way to see your current recorded score unless you’re in the top 10 displayed on the initial screen.
The Live Challenges, the Bush Flying, yeah all that too!
MS/Asobo, this should be a realtively easy code implementation. If you’re running agile/scrum I can’t imagine this is much more than a 5 pointer. Once it’s in place, you’ll have the added benefit of these challenges and lessons looking much more polished. Just my 2 cents…
I got a top 35 score, flew again - never was able to see top score again.
They need a web site to spit out top scores, and your personal top scores not just to 10.
Those “live challenges” bring a wonderful dynamic. Thanks Devs.
Question: Does it keep highest score or only last score???
This VFR flying is really wonderful, and if you like compliments - you can also appreciate that the IFR has a ways to go! (I won’t harp on the lack of multi-monitior support) (again)
I’m wanting to clear out my landing challenges for example, but I have no idea which ones I’ve already done and I don’t want to repeat ones I’ve already completed before I’ve done them all once.
I see it shows in my profile I’ve done 9/24 landing challenges, but it doesn’t tell me anywhere which ones I’ve done and haven’t done.
Among the nice-to-have things we expect a major paid “finished game” should have:
Personal Record scores on the challenge tiles, where blank means never completed yet.
Corresponding percentile ratings. examples: “Better than 45% of all attempts” and “Better than 30% of users’ personal records”.
At the moment, knowing that your rank is 12,345th isn’t that meaningful on its own, without knowing the total number of attempts. Showing your position visually on a bell curve would be great!
Why is the 2nd scoring component labelled “GROUND ROLL”, when it is actually scoring for CENTER-LINE?
After having lots of fun going through the landing challenges i noticed i had only 1 left to do i thought a played through all of them one after the other but must have missed one along the way , ive just been unable to see which ones ive done and what ones i could improve on so some way of seeing a list of them would be helpfull ,
Seriously, it needs to be added
Sorry if I’ve missed something subtle but right now the only reporting on tutorial completion is in one’s Profile and it just says something like “3/8” complete. When one goes to the actual tutorials section, there is nothing obvious that I can see that indicates which tutorials one has completed. Maybe someone could say that, “Well, they have to be done in sequence so with 3/8, it’s obvious where you are.” First, that indication was back in Profile, not in Tutorials. Second, that’s not true. I successfully completed at least one tutorial completely out of sequence without being able to do Tutorials #1 and #2 because I had unwittingly turned off the Objectives applet, which prevents the AI Instructor from doing her thing, at least for tutorials #1 and #2.
So it would be nice, both in the Tutorial section and in the Profile to be able to access exactly what tutorials have been completed. To make it easy, all that would have to be done is have a numerical sequence, e.g., #1, 4-6, 8. A more ambitious plan would be to not only give the tutorial number completed by also the title (and also show the inverse on demand, tutorials you have yet to complete, so if you wanted to do a tutorial on IFR, you’d know which one to launch and perhaps could launch it directly from such a report).
It would be awesome if the menu system put a check mark or something on an activity once you complete it so you know it’s done.
Am I just missing the method of knowing which challenges are complete? There doesn’t appear to be any way to tell the difference between a pending challenge and a completed one. It’s extremely frustrating because I just want the achievement; I don’t care about high score. I can’t remember which ones ticked the achievement and which one didn’t, and I really don’t want to keep going through them over and over trying to figure out which one(s) I missed. A check mark or green outline or something letting me know which ones are done would be extremely helpful.
No activity is being marked at the moment. Training lessons, landing challenges, bush trips, nothing is marked. No way to know which was complete.
As far as I’m concerned, I have the recorded activities (for example 8/8 training, 2/24 landing challenges, …).
But, as Gunthrek points out, one cannot know what challenges have been achieved, only their number.
Absolutely! And it’s sad that the number of vote on this one won’t reflect the huge number of simmers who ask themselves the same question.
In addition to that, it should be possible to see on demand, top 10, friend’s scores and our own the same way we can after a completion without the obligation to do it again.
Where can I vote for this? Very annoying…
How about check marks or trophies for completed activities on the thumbnails? I don’t play everyday and don’t have the best memory lol. Would be nice to see which ones we tried so we can try new ones. Sometimes I’ll go into one I already did and realize half way I completed it already.
Also this is a great way to see your progress.
Different colours can help too.
Yellow: Attempted but never landed or crashed
Green: Landed
Maybe show the number of attempts
I came here to post this same request - it’s hard to know which landing challenge etc. you’ve completed - even if you come back to it after a few days.
This was the first annoying thing I conciously noted about the sim. I just suggest you change the term “checklists” for “checkmarks” in the title, since I actually entered this thread just to know what was wrong with the checklists in the game
I’m shocked to see this isn’t getting more attention. It’s no more than an annoyance, sure - and there are far more pressing bugs to fix, but to not understand what you’ve completed beyond 7/8 challenges seems to be a shortcoming of the playability of the game.