Activity Request: Kai Tak Airport Approach

Many of us still fondly remember the infamous Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport Approach. It would be awesome if that gets built into one of the activities in MSFS.


Maybe some 3rd party scenery developer will take up the challenge…

Doing the checkerboard approach in the 744 was one of my favorite things in FS…

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I second the request
Thank you

same! we need Kai Tak (VHHX)

Maybe we should be asking for this over at FlyTampa

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I think this might be a particularly challenging product to do in MSFS. (At least to do it well)

Depending on how accurate and up-to date the building heights are around Kowloon and Tsim Sha Tsui, Putting Kai Tak back in would possibly require ‘backdating’ the whole of Kowloon/TST as that area developed massively once the height restrictions of buildings were removed. (Basically, Set them back to their 1998’ heights, and I’m not sure how much material there is around 1998 building heights/designs along the RW13 IGS path)

I used to love getting on the MSN Gaming Zone with FlightSim 98 and doing runs around Hong Kong (FS98 didn’t have Chep Lap Kok from memory) in an A340-300 I had.

Sorry if I’m being a wet-sock!

I don’t think it could be done with photogramey based scenery. I’d just be happy with a port of their current product. Maybe just update the areas on the island.

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Not quite sure on what’s technically involved but I suspect you’d just need to do an exclude of the Upper Kowloon area (under the flight path)

Did FlyTampa also include enhanced scenery for Hong Kong Island?

Learn something new everyday :slight_smile:

I didn’t know about FlyTampa making a VHHX approach. Here’s hoping that they will be able to port it into MSFS 2020. I can’t wait to fly it!

Kai Tak would be nice. Hope somebody also makes Chek Lap Kok (VHHH) because VHHH looks nothing like the real life airport.

There’s already someone working on Kai Tak:

NICE!!! You made my day and I can’t wait to try this out!!

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