Add a Quit to Desktop Function

First world problem. :smirk:

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When I gotta go, I gotta go. You know? So don’t make me log out to the main screen so I can quit the game.

ALT F4 does the trick, but the game should have a native way of quitting nice and easy.


You shouldn’t be playing a sim , when you are supposed to be working , LOL !!


12 votes for something that already exists, sigh

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Alt+F4 does not suddenly kill the same way going to Task Manager → Details and ending the process would, though.


In what way does quit to desktop already exist when in the sim flying?

Although it takes a few extra clicks to exit completely, I just hit Esc whenever I want to stop what I’m doing. And I bound the PAUSE ON and PAUSE OFF game controls to the keyboard letters “p” and “Ctl+p,” respectively.

Of all the things that might need to be improved, I’d say how one exits the game has got to be pretty far down the list. I imagine since Alt+F4 must be a key binding that one can probably change that, too, to whatever one wants.

To carry on with the humor, maybe the OP just needs a key binding that instantly activates a “It looks like I’m working screen
” that pops up a screen shot of Office 365 apps open for the boss and hides the sim screen (Alt+Tab, anyone?)! :slightly_smiling_face:


As above Alt+F4 or left-click the close button in the top right of the window, but beware there’s no ‘Are you sure?’ dialogue to stop you loosing an hour or two’s flying in FSEconomy like happened to me when I was just trying to icon-ise the window - Arggh Noooo moment for me.

Native way - what do you mean ?
Alt+F4 is the native Windows way of closing any application.


Use SPAD to map “ALT+F4” to your yokes PTT switch. With the easy bit out the way, you now have to explain how you are driving Excel with a yoke, and throttle quadrant.

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ALT F4 is a forced way to end a program. The native way for a modern program to end is by the user selecting the quit option in the menu.

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Could we please have a Quit to desktop on this screen? Thanks!

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I am very thankful that you added the quit to desktop button.

I kinda like FS2020, there are still problems. This falls in the ■■■ category, but there is no “exit” that I can find. I understand I am just a dumb cowpoke but there should be a way to get back to start without just hitting the X button. I know that hitting Pause will sorta get you there, but it is a strange way to do things.

Other than that, FS has awoken me to light planes and looking around and appreciate the scenery. Wish we had a helicopter.

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That is untrue. Alt+F4 doesn’t cause Windows to force close a program. It’s a regular message (WM_CLOSE) that is sent to the application and the application itself decides what to do. It’s the native way and is equivalent to pressing the X button on the window frame. Any modern program has this covered.


They already added a ‘quit to desktop’ in the last patch - granted it quits to desktop without intervention. LOL

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As far as I am aware (read: I have heard many people say this but I haven’t tested it, myself), Alt+F4 gets you out of the program but it doesn’t make an entry in your logbook. I also read that there’s something else it doesn’t do, too, but I forget what that is.

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The logbook doesn’t record correctly most of the time anyway, so why worry about that.

If you want your flights recorded properly use something else like “SimToolKit Pro” or “Little NavMap” (both free), they both have far superior flight logging facilities, they even record the flight track too.

Have you tried Alt-F4?

Currently you need to go back to the main menu in order to quit the application.
It would be really handy if we could implement an option to quit to desktop from in-game.