Add avatar location to EFB map during walking mode

It would be very nice to see our character location in the EFB map when we are in walkaround mode. This would allow to us to see where we are in relation to trails and various other geographical features near where we land the plane. It would also help us wayfind back to the airplane we left parked.

There could be additional features with this - showing the view direction and/or rotating the map with the view, leaving breadcrumbs or other personal markers, and more. Maybe some stats - distance walked, distance from plane, elevation.

But even a simple location and heading pointer would be a fantastic addition.

Ran into this again last night during walkaround and forgot I made this wishlist back when 2024 launched.

There are so many cool roads and trails to explore as seen on the EFB, but from ground level in the sim it’s nearly impossible to tell where I’m walking. Also would be nice to find my way back to the plane without guessing.

I’ll list a couple ideas, take it a couple steps further - all should be toggle-able:

  1. Obviously show the avatar’s location
  2. Show the direction the avatar is facing
  3. (higher level) Show the width of the field of view
  4. Add droppable placemarkers/waypoints to the map that appear like POI markers in walkaround mode
  5. (high level) allow several of the above to string together for waypathing
  6. Add breadcrumbs (history of where you’ve been)
  7. Show friends avatars
  8. Show a map/compass in walkaround (kind of like rdr/gta, or even the one we get in the plane’s external hud)
  9. Add a “show the plane” beacon, on demand, that puts a POI marker on the screen where the plane is
  10. integrate with save states for recall of avatar and plane position so that long-distance walkabouts can be accomplished
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