Some french beautiful cities are available in photogrammetry in Bing maps but were not listed in the last Q&A to be part of the next CU France.
That’s a shame as Calvi and Ajaccio have both spectacular circling approaches!
Also St. Tropez and Archachon are 3D in Bing Maps.
Maybe these cities are planned to be part of the update and they just didn’t include them in the announcement. It certainly would be nice, especially Ajaccio and Calvi.
Or maybe they don‘t want to put Corsica into the spotlight at the moment, what with all that awful texture popping going on there.
Or maybe that’s the right time to fix it, if possible.
Totally agreed on Calvi and Ajaccio, would be great to get some decent photogrammetry in Corsica.
Just as a hint for those loving the south of France / Mediterreanian: I have discovered that Collioure and its surroundings are covered with really good photogrammetry. Perpignon unfortunately not - yet?
i m greatly disppointed not to see these magnifiscent cities not on update… We will have Nice, and as we could have many flights between corsica and lfmn… it has would been a great opportunity… and hope tile popping disappeared with su15 in corsica…and elsewhere