MS2024: I would like an Options command to set tail lock ON and another to set tail lock OFF.
There is already a Toggle Tail Wheel Lock command which is useless when on final and you don’t have time to change your view from the landing strip down below to actual tail wheel lock lever which is out of your view. If you push the TTWL key or controller switch, you will have no clue as to whether you just now have toggled the lock ON or OFF. In the sim, or real life, this can very easily lead to a nasty accident on landing.
I would like a command that can be assigned to a key or button that absolutely positively sets the Tail Wheel Lock ON.
This type of issue does not for instance apply to the parking brake because we do already have a SET PARKING BRAKE command available, and not just a TOGGLE PARKING BRAKES command. We need something similar for the tail wheel lock.