It would be nice if VFR waypoints were added into the MSFS nav database. For example, flying into John Wayne airport while on PilotEdge, the controllers will often ask VFR traffic to fly via Mile Square Park. There’s a VFR waypoint there (VPLMS), but it’s not in the game’s database. None of the thousands of others around the world are either.
If you’re flying on PilotEdge you’d be much better off with a Navigraph subscription which does contain these, as well as VFR sectional charts.
Thanks. I have my paper charts for when flying on PilotEdge. I don’t want to spend the money for Navigraph because I only ever fly VFR in the game. Navigraph strikes me as something that makes sense if you’re flying a lot of IFR.
But it doesn’t seem like a big ask for the game to support VFR waypoints; almost more like “oh, oops, thanks for pointing out the oversight, we’ll fix that”.
If you want you can just buy the navdata which is like $40 a year I think.
Absolutely agree with this. I am a VFR pilot in real life and just cannot believe why these are not implemented in MSFS. You should not have to rely on a third party for these.