Adding/making own photogrammetry and importing into the sim

Hi everyone,

I’m curious if it’s possible to incorporate your photogrammetry into Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS2020). Imagine capturing aerial images of your neighborhood or city with a drone, processing them, and then integrating them into the simulator. Does MSFS2020 currently offer this functionality?

As we know, most photogrammetry updates focus on major cities and regions, primarily in developed countries. I’m wondering if there’s any potential for expanding this technology to encompass other areas, such as those in Africa. It’s simply a question born out of curiosity.


I’m following this as I think it’s an extremely interesting topic!

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Hi xcendahoangx. You might want to add the SDK tag to this post, as folks watching that tag are the ones most likely to be able to assist you.

If you search for “photogrammetry” in the SDK forum you will get a number of results that might help you, for example, this thread.

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Hey thank you for your suggestion! Have edited my post :smiley:

I’m seriously thinking about buying a drone to try this out. First step (I think) is to try something like Reality Capture and figure out how to scan something small and build a reasonably optimised 3d textured object and then get it into the game