Addons Linker updated, now not working?

yea, if all else fails, re-install windows …

That will keep you busy for a good time, and keep you occupied … :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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No it’s not. If you clicked the “Browse” button and pointed to your D:\ install location, it would re-check and come back with only a few GB.

The installer doesn’t know your original install location and reverts back to the ‘official’ install location (yes, this part is a bug)

It can’t find any installed files there and thus wants to install everything. However, as said, point it to the right location with the BROWSE button on the bottom of the screen and it will update your existing installation instead of a new one.

I don’t remember seeing a Browse button, but I may have just not been paying attention. This was the discussion of the aftermath:

I’m sure I did something wrong, but what’s done is done. Worse things have happened to me. :slight_smile:

Yup. I think people are so used to installing programs to C: they did not notice it’s only for the packages.

I could kind of swear it didn’t ask me for a location and just went straight to downloading, but I’m probably wrong. Haste makes waste…

And for what it’s worth, I redirected my UserCfg file to my D drive yesterday (i.e. to my “old” Packages folders) and MSFS started and ran just fine, and Addons Linker worked just fine as well.

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I’m happy you got it working again


So if the old setup still works, do you still suggest trying to replace the older Packages files with the new ones? I somehow doubt its going to let me delete all the new downloads on my c drive. But I figure if I can move all that over to my D drive, at least then I have shiny new copies of everything. (If that makes any difference, though probably not)

No if it works and you are happy with it then why change? just that next update keep an eye out near the bottom of the screen for the browse button (It should be more prominent and with clearer instructions IMO but it really isn’t too hard to spot)

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Ok, that settles it. Agreed, I’ll just delete the new downloads on my C drive and leave well enough alone. Really appreciate the help, fellas.

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Well yes but the default location is not the safest place for those big files as a reset or possibly an update would just delete them … Yes I know, I know but I didn’t invent this sim :joy:

Why can’t the Installer search & find your original Install – Its what computers are good at doing !!! The Installer is abysmal - and that’s the way it is, until something is done to DESIGN and write a satisfactory one.

It is. Especially the 100% GPU use.

Just enable v-sync in NVCP and you get capped to your monitors refresh rate. Improved frame pacing means MSFS runs smoother too.

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I’m aware, yes. I’m one of the biggest advocates for that and already have it in place since the early alpha version, but sometimes people get angry when I tell them that and they do have a point.

“Why do I have to cap it manually in my settings? Why doesn’t it just work?”

And I get that.

Maybe its a DESIGN FEATURE ?

Run the GPU at max speed to test it, while loading up the sim, and Stress test it, before actually flying ? :yum:

(yes, of course I am joking !!)

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No app is “flawless”.
I have the same issue. App was working fine up until recently - now it lon longer shows third-party content in-game.

Continuing the discussion from Addons Linker updated, now not working?:

Did you move by any chance addon files to any external Drive?
if yes check the driver format it should be the default NFTS system if it is exfat it won’t work.Addons Linker updated, now not working? - #2 by SAKISAPPOLON

This is the very reason I will never participate in a beta of msfs. The only safe way to do that is to have a dedicated PC for testing.