Adelaide, SA, Australia - Red Wash

Please tag your post with #pc and/or #xbox.

Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Brief description of the issue:
Photoreal ground plate for Adelaide region has a clear red/pink tinge to the textures. Particularly evident on roading.

Location of issue:
Adelaide, South Australia

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Fly overhead Adelaide city. Redness of textures also visible from world map view in menu

PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:
See profile

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

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It’s not just a general red wash from a distance. All of the shadows are blood red as well - this looks quite disturbing!

This isn’t at sunset, this is midday. Adelaide definitely doesn’t look like this IRL.


I complained of a similar problem when the update was released last week. No one else seemed to experience the same problem though. Glad I’m not alone but I hope Asobo can fix it.

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Hah I had this too departing Adelaide this afternoon and I was sure that it was my new monitor of which I’m still finetuning the (colour) settings. Good to stumble acros this! :slight_smile:

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I can confirm the same problem. I lived in Adelaide as a kid and it definitely does not look like that IRL. The photogrammetry is a complete mess, but if you think that is bad try adding the Orbx Adelaide City Pack which then obliterates the city centre turning buildings into flattened desolate terrain and making it all a lurid blood red :scream:

To be fair to Orbx they are on the case from their side:
World Update VII (Australia) Compatibility – Orbx Simulation Systems (

I have no idea what Asobo will do in the short term, if anything.

I can confirm this red shadow thing on my install…weird. Non-Steam install ( XBOX Live) on PC.

Just wanted to add my 2c. I have visited Gold Coast, Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong, Hobart and Melbourne and found the photogrammetry at each location to be excellent. “Amazing” is what I typed in my flight notes for Melbourne.

I did Adelaide this morning and it looked awful with red tinge everywhere - especially in the shadows - very disappointing, a real immersion breaker.

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Yep can confirm the bad red tint. Also seems to apply to impulse simulations adelaide scenery, so it seems like some kind of a washover effect… Any way, it looks terrible!

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More ‘red wash’ discovered just south east of Bathurst:

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I’m sure the red wash issue was resolved at some stage, but confirmed last night that it is back with a vengeance.

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Not for Adelaide, it’s been like this ever since the Australian world update. Clearly it’s not something they are going to fix, sigh.

I really hope they fix this. Adelaide looks nothing like Adelaide.

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From what I understand the Satellite imagery from the Adelaide region is from a time in which the city was blanketed in Red Dust from a major dust storm.

I wouldn’t expect a resolve until new Bing Satellite Imagery is available at a guess unfortunately.

This has nothing to do with a dust storm, Adelaide has never looked like this.

Now I have have access to a PC I’ve been able to investigate this further using developer mode.

This is what Adelaide looks like in MSFS:

This is what it is supposed to look like:

The only difference between these two screenshots is that I selected “Disable TIN colour correction”:

This proves once and for all that this is not from bad captures of the satellite imagery. It’s not even badly filtered bing imagery. The sim is applying this strong red tint during display because somebody has fat fingered a colour correction value for the area.

Can we please get this fixed? No new satellite images are needed, someone in Asobo’s scenery dept just needs to fix the local colour corrections. It started with SU7 when the photogrammetry was added.


Thanks for checking Adelaide too, I’ve used this option in many other photogrammetry cities and it is very effective at removing the red/brown tint, which many times clashes badly with the overly green tint of the standard satellite imagery (Naples for example). Hopefully the general colour correction is something FS2024 will improve.

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I too would love this to be fixed.


To be clear for anyone on PC reading the thread, you can use the workaround I posted above to turn off TIN colour correction which temporarily solves the issue. The setting is retained until you restart the sim. As long as you exit/disable dev mode and then start a new flight your flight will still be counted in the log book but the colours will be good.

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@RagingWombat839 … you are a champion! The fix for the Kangaroo Island “spike” and the TIN change for the “red wash” have made flying into / out of Adelaide in MSFS a much better experience! It was horrible before, and being an ex-Adelaide boy, I still fly YPAD a lot as I like flying to my hometown. Thanks again!

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O>>M>>G!! you are a hero sir!! good lord! i thought i was loosing my mind!. The problem is not just adelaide. ALL photogrammetry areas have that red oxide color, all over the world. Some more, some less, but they are all red. Some of them look like a nuclear bomb just went off. Non PG areas look crazy green and PG areas look red. This takes care of the worst of it, it still looks a bit red, but it is way, way better. THANK YOU. Any thoughts on how to leave it set “in eternum” so as not need to set it every time i play?

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Sorry I haven’t found a way to persist or mod the setting. It’s annoying when I fly into YPAD and realise as I descend that I forgot to do the colour correction dance before my flight.