Adjusting Prop Pitch causes CTD

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I have set up prop pitch increase/decrease as shown:

When flying a single-engine plane (tested with Carenado Mooney and Beechcraft Bonanza), reducing the pitch causes an instant CTD. This is true also if the button is bound to Decrease Pitch (Small).
Increasing Pitch with button 12 (bound to engine 1 and 2) works as intended.
No CTD if using a twin engine plane, or if only “Decrease Propeller 1 Pitch” is bound (although this is of course suboptimal as I switch between single and twin engine planes).

Tested, and reproduced, at least five times.

Zendesk ticket 92775 refers.

Would it help to use the generic command for “Increase Propellor Pitch” and “Decrease Propellor Pitch” rather than being engine specific?

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Just tested this, and it avoids the CTD issue.

Thanks for pointing it out: I’d missed it at the bottom of the list.

Not sure whether or not to describe this as the solution however: whilst it stops the CTD, it doesn’t resolve the issue. Certainly I’ll leave the zendesk ticket open.


Looks like I was a bit premature in calling this sorted.

Using pitch reduce (either slow or full-speed) causes prop desync. Usually, but not always, it registers a button press and reduces the stbd engine, but not port. If you press and hold, stbd will get a headstart, then they move together. I’ve been able to manage to get the stbd lever to move at twice the speed as the port, using the right/wrong frequency of button presses.

What is interesting about this bug is two things:
1: it only affects prop pitch decrease. Increasing prop pitch works as expected, as does prop mix up/down.
2: it is always the stbd engine that gets a greater decrease (you know what I mean), never the port.

Here are the control settings:

Hi, I also just ran into both of these issues. First, I encountered the 100% reproducible CTD by using multiple bindings for decreasing the various prop pitches. Then to solve that issue I only assigned DECREASE PROPELLER PITCH and encountered the step-by-step prop desync. It’s so weird and doesn’t really happen every time you press the button. Very annoying, especially now that we have some really nice multi-prop planes in the sim. A fix would be very much appreciated!

I noticed that too ,when I used my shortcut for the proppeler number 2 by accident on a single-engine plane, this action systematically caused a crash to desktop , generic command cause a desync proppeller and i need to manage this with my mouse for resync right propeller . I’m on Xbox with an hotas one bye thrustmaster but i notice that with an Xbox pad as well

Experiencing this today with the C310. When i decrease the propeller rpm the right stick decreases at double the pace. Any fixes for this?

Have the same problem.
As soon as i pull the Honeycomb Bravo Prop Lever down to “decrease Prop 1 pitch”, the game crashes to the desktop. 100% reproducable, independent from the aircraft used.

Have same problem with props getting out of sync.

Video Propeller pitch not synced - YouTube

  • I tried all twin engine planes where you can pitch the propellers and all have same issue
  • I tried bind the propeller pitch to different inputs (Logitech 3d Extreme, Thrustmaster T1600 and default keybord shortcuts)
  • If you bind the same button to both propeller 1 and 2 instead of using the general pitch keybind that affects both propellers, opposite propeller gets out of sync
  • Can’t get mixture out of synd using “same” kind of inputs

Any walk-around for this yet? Been struggling with this since day 1