No please don’t clutter the map with this kind of stuff. The nice thing about this map is it’s clean UI and simplicity. At least make it optional if you must add it. Also suggest moving the “invisible to others” slider from the bottom of the map to somewhere in options for cleaner UI.
How do you actually add this to the sim ? Does it replace the normal vfr map and if so, any pointers as to how to do it ?
Just drop the “advanced-vfr-map” folder in your community folder.
It doesn’t replace the default VFR map, you’ll find a new button on the menu bar to display the Advanced VFR Map in flight.
Pressing ‘V’ doesn’t bring it up though like it does with the normal vfr map ??
Ahh found it now
Hi Poroot, very nice addon, well done. I am trying to import a flight plan…without success. Is this function working yet?
Thank you.
Normally it works (on the web version). Are you sure about the validity of your .pln file ? Could you share it ?
Hi Poroot, yes I saw that dragging and dropping a flight plan in the web map worked fine. I was trying to do the same within your VFR map that opens in MSFS but it doesn’t work. The flight plan is created with SimBrief, so it is very standard.
It’s doesn’t work with the ingame panel.
Merci Beaucoup !!!
So, no one is gifting him a G2 so he can test it on VR ?
I have found a workaround for readability in VR, this change in adv-vfr.css:
ingame-ui#AdvVfrPanel #AdvVfrPanelWrap iframe {
border: none !important;
height: 33.3%;
width: 33.3%;
-webkit-transform: scale(3.0);
-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
Depending how big you do the window, you can be intersted in more scale. Also depending on the HMD.
height and width must be “100 / scale”%
Possible to adjust scaling for 4k? Text is tiny.
Also is there a simple way for me to possibly remove some code to get rid of that bar on the bottom or can I revert back to an older version?
I have that same problem.
Bonjour Poroot (désolé je ne connais pas ton prénom),
Je suis Didier (Sud France).
Je tiens à te féliciter pour cette idée qui est excellente. et qui apporte déjà un plus pour voir tous ceux qui sont connectés en même temps que nous et en vol.
Avec une version"Web" et une version “Ingame”, c’est excellent et cela laisse rapidement entrevoir la possibilité d’utiliser ton Mod (Plugin) pour la gestion par un contrôleur aérien, c’est très bien !!!
La version Web permet d’avoir une simulation radar.
Je te propose donc quelques suggestions qui devraient nettement améliorer ta création :
- Possibilité d’enregistrer le PLN en fichier *.pln ou *.gpx , que ce soit en version Web ou Ingame. Le Ingame est moins urgent et n’est pas aussi simple, je le conçois.
- Possibilité d’importer un fichier *.pln en version Ingame, comme pour la version Web
- Possibilité d’afficher les étiquettes des avions avec 3 infos = Nom, Altitude, vitesse (le cap étant visible avec l’affichage de l’icône de l’avion. Un bouton pourrait demander, ou non, l’affichage simultané de tous les avions ou les masquer.
- Possibilité d’afficher des carte VFR et éventullement IFR.
Si j’ai d’autres idées, je te les soumettrais.
Merci encore et bravo pour ton travail.
thank you, it works perfectly for VR, thank you so much
Welcome to the community. This is a really good idea and something i hoped someone would impliment. I would like a kind of flight tracker 24 version for MSFS i will definetly give it a try
Many map add-ons have been released but this one remains my favorite. I love the clean UI and that I choose from 5 different maps. Seems like it hasn’t been updated in a while I hope this add-on won’t be abandoned. Would love to get rid of that bottom bar which where there is an option to make your plane invisible to others to get a cleaner UI. Maybe someone can tell me how I can do that myself?
Faccio i complimenti all’autore ; per me ha tutte le caratteristiche semplici e funzionali. Grazie per averla fatta.
I’ve discovered a nagging issue that perhaps the author can advise upon…
As will be seen, it may be an all new one due to the increasing number of users. Pardon the long post, but it’s such a fantastic app, it deserves a detailed description…
Firstly though, I wish to note that I LOVE THIS APP. It’s clean combination of simple UI and several mapping choices, and the option to easily stream to a second device via a simple browser put it clearly above the other basic VFR maps out there. The clever concept of server-side tracking and multiplayer ability is awesome too. Having Open Topo Maps is wonderful! In a nutshell, I simply LOVE it.
The issue I’m having is during times of peak activity, i.e. when there are clearly several dozen or more other flyers around the globe utilizing the service (as evidenced by their many plane icons on the map), the FPS in the sim dips by 2 to 10 FPS - ONCE EVERY SECOND - resulting in a prominent stutter (sometimes a short freeze) that happens AT EXACTLY ONE SECOND intervals. You can time them, there are exactly 60 per minute.
The reason for this I can only assume is the one second data refresh rate (as clearly specified in the javascript code). As other VFR maps that track your plane (but no other aircraft) don’t have this issue, I can only speculate it may be caused by the large incoming packet of data from ALL THE OTHER MULTIPLAYER AIRCRAFT that are sent from the server to populate the map?
The stutter is much reduced (and often nearly unnoticeable) when there is less activity on map from other players, i.e. when there are only a few others populating the map. Is it because the incoming data packet is much smaller during times of less activity perhaps?
I do not think it’s a matter of my system resources, I have a top-of-the line computer with an i9-10900KF CPU, RTX3090/24GB, and 64GB of 3400 Mhz RAM on an AW R11 computer with NOTHING ELSE installed on it but MSFS. The rig is a monster, and my internet speed is about 50 mbps.
I have tested this hypothesis over the last few days, and I can beyond-a-doubt confirm the following:
Advanced VFR-Map is definitely the cause of the “once every second” stutter. Disabling the map in the pop-up menu settings results in IMMEDIATE relief from the stutter. FPS become rock solid. Re-enabling it causes the stutter to return - immediately.
The stutter is worse when there are lots of simultaneous users. I have tested this for several days (from mid-day to the middle of the night) and it is unquestionably clear that when fewer other planes are on the map the less the serious the “every second” stutter is. Indeed, with only a few players on the map at a given time, it essentially disappears.
So my question to the author is: Is there a way to avoid this issue? Perhaps add a new button in the UI that disables the INCOMING MULTI-PLAYER PLANE TRACKING DATA PACKET, and only puts YOUR AIRCRAFT on the map? I imagine the vast majority of users fly alone to be sure, and don’t care or need to have any other planes on the map. So if this is indeed the issue, then the feature designed for a small minority of (multi-player) users is unfortunately beginning to impact the majority of single-players.
Naturally, if the foundational design of the app is for a single user’s data to go to the server first then ALL THE PLANES get I-FRAMED back to the app window from the server I can see where it might present a problem to do what I suggest without serious re-coding of the whole shebang maybe, but if that’s the case, aw shucks, that’s too bad, because everything else about the Advanced-VFR-Map app is just perfect!
Lastly, I felt compelled to point issue out, as it may not have reared its head until the number of user grew to a particular threshold and that if the author hadn’t been informed of this (theoretically new) issue yet, they should probably know and look into it.
Anyone else noticing this “Every Second Stutter” effect during “peak activity”?
Is there any chance for a fix? Or a “workaround” maybe?
I have same stutter issue. And my friends too.