Aerial Simulations F-117

Hello everybody, quite week on the flightsim front this week, unfortunately. Fixed up the weapons and set up the ability to hide the window tint. I was hoping to try and get the update ready to come out with SU11 but I don’t think I’ll make it. I could possibly do it if I don’t try and play with the flight model again as I had planned to, but I haven’t made that decision as of yet. I only have a couple of hours to make it though :joy:

As of now this is the change log:

IRADS Screen
Elevons droop on ground with no hydualic pressure
Interior Window tint can be turned off

Drag Chute can now be deployed with the "deploy water rudder" keybind

If you are not flying the F-117, other F-117 will no longer have the left bombbay stuck open
Other F-117 now have sounds in mulitplayer
Caging backup attitude indicator caused plane to flip
Emergency Gear handle works again

And weapon models :wink: