Aerial Simulations F-117

Yea but when i checked earlier it wasn’t there :unamused:

Yeah, not up for me either, yet. Usual it takes another couple hours after the Blog Post goes up.

I wish that F 22 Raptor from Top Mach was arriving on XBox


It’s coming. The dev is on Discord. He’s just waiting for WASM to be implemented.


As in tonight? Because MS listed it as out…

it was literally showcased last night on TTM stream and was fine. wasm is still up in the air as to when itll be fully utilized based on the outlook posted today. sheesh massive oversight on that if thats the case. trying to sell an aircraft only on marketplace and get cucked by the wasm.

i cant see them “waiting” on wasm. it not only makes aerial look bad, but microsoft as well for saying something is out when supposedly it wont be. but who knows.

well its up

Nice!! F18 liveries!!! I’m in! Thanks for that…

….oh, you meant the STEALTH BKMBER!!! I didn’t SEE that!

…lame joke. I’m tired, don’t judge me too harshly. :slight_smile:

The guy asked about the F-22 from Top Mach. My comment wasn’t in regards to the Nighthawk. That got released today.

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The F-117 is in the MSFS MARKETPLACE, NOW!
If you don’t see it, reload the Sim and Select "Aircraft

" in the Marketplace.


Look forward to first impressions!

Flys Great, just keep it above 150 knots. Braking is Fine, it was just my technique… LOVE It so far!! I am appropriately flying it at HOMEY AFB, the former Area 51… Come on over…:)))))

Guess most everyone knows that you have to have one in your community folder to See another players same aircraft…

Aerial Sim you have hit a Home Run with this Aircraft! Still some work to do in the cockpit with the displays, but we knew that. Can’t wait for that Drag-Chute Handle to work! :))) Canopy works great, as do the Bay Doors. Still discovering things… Well worth the wait! Thanks so much for your devotion to this Aircraft. Just can’t believe it has finally come to Life, and it’s All MINE!!! lol.


HAHA! I wish that were the case. The more I play the Sim, the worse it gets. Not even default aircraft are showing correctly. Had a TMB930 showing up as a that generic blue & white Turbo-prop static plane.

Tell me that’s a TBM?

Will F-117 be available on external marketplaces such as justflight or orbx? I’m eager to get in and fly it but I don’t want to purchase it from the official market if there will be another version that could have weapons modeled such as with other military aircraft in msfs.

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See this post from the developer:

Thanks. I must say I’m confused as to why the developer is choosing to delay it entirely from third party store fronts instead of releasing it in its current version and updating it with weapons later. Kinda disappointing.

Is it just me or does it seem underpowered? Cruise speed is 617 and I’m unable to really get over 300 in full power. Tried at varying altitudes. Even shallow climb attitude is seeming overly slow.

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In the GENERAL OPTIONS - TRAFFIC section, did you turn OFF the “Use Generic Aircraft Models” (Ai Traffic), and in the “Use Generic Aircraft Models” (Multiplayer)? If you do that, AND both pilots have the same plane in their Community Folder, it works for me… Good Luck…

Sounds like your Spoilers may be engaged, or some flaps left down. They are hard to see on an all Black airframe… Play with them and use your airspeed indicator as an indicator of success.