The F-117 Nighthawk and B2 have been near the top of my wish list since joining MSFS.
Sorry to rain on anyone’s parade, but having sat in one in 1984 at Holloman AFB, NM (not flown) and discussed the aircraft with the pilots there who flew it, some did indeed call it the “Wobbly Goblin” in the early days. I believe that was primarily due to the vintage computer systems of the time not being totally up to the task until a few years later. All of the (3) pilots I know who flew it, spoke very highly of it after the glitches were ironed out and it’s small cadre of pilots called it the “Cockroach” until it was retired, because of it’s shape… It is not a big aircraft, small actually, and I actually have flown a 1/4 scale version if it and it flew Great. If the Sim flight envelope is done right, it will be a ball to fly.
I can’t wait to get my hands on this one!!! I’ll pay Extra for a Prototype… Please Expedite…
Holloman in 1984?
Although I can’t wait to have my favorite plane in the hangar and fly it, I hope that AerialSim also loves the details and makes things like ladders, covers, animations etc. I used to have the JustFlight F-117 for FS9 and FSX and loved the details.
I am really looking forward to it
Translated with Google
Yes, yes we do. And you will get my money and many others. Sounds are really important too. If this is nailed, it will be really popular due to not much else being like this.
Thought so Chief, but I checked my records, it was 1994, not 84, they were in individual hangars across from each other, about 22 of them as I recall. I thought 84 seemed a bit early, but right. We were in and out of WSMR on unrelated activities there, and it was only 30 or 40 years ago… Thanks for helping me correct the record.
We are not associated with this person…
Trying to hijack your thread. My comment still stands!
I can’t seem to find a report button so I guess we’ll just live with it
Not 100% sure…but if you click on the three dots next to Reply to Post, there is a flag symbol. I’m guessing that flags the post. I’ll be buying your version .
This has been handled. Let’s get back to the Aerial Simulations F117.
the project code name for the F117 was ‘Have Blue’ and that prototype did not have a motorized canopy - it also borrowed a lot of stuff from the F16 - If I recall it used the nose gear and pilot seat from the F16 along with a good deal under the surface.
It was rumored that the name ‘Have Blue’ was a reference to some reverse engineering from things that were stored at Wright Patterson AFB or ‘Project Bluebook’ - the extraterrestrial things wink wink, nudge nudge say no more…say…no…more
Ahh. 94 would definitely make much more sense. Fun experience I’m sure.
Looks nice!
To those who have not read it, I love the book “Skunk Works” by Ben Rich (head of Skunk Works at time of F117 and SR71).
Ugh. The 117. Right up there in my Top 5 favorite aircraft.
No chance it’ll be coming to xbox…right? Right?!
I’m hoping it will
I took all the replies down. Sorry for the confusion it wasn’t meant to throw any shade. Your plane is beautiful, very similar in many ways. I’ve done many projects including 2 freeware planes and working on my 1st payware, all from starting with no knowledge of developing within the past year, this has been in the works for almost a year now for me, but I wanted to get experience with my other planes/scenery/liveries 1st. I hope you understand. The F117A is certainly a one of a kind being it was truly the 1st fly-by-wire aircraft. Grew up with a few fellow pilots who flew it. Very nostalgic indeed. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your project progress.
Have Blue was the technology demonstrator, the smaller plane with the inward-canted vertical stabilizers painted in blue-grey camo.
The F-117 project name is Senior Trend.
Just a small update, 95% of the cockpit decals and 80% of the gauge coding is now done with startup and shutdown all possible following checklist. Also had to make a custom autopilot for Mach hold. But now I’ve moved on to something a little more fun, night lighting! Only did the floods today, but I’m pretty happy with them.
Looks great!! Very nice.
Looking Fantastic! May just stay in the Cockpit all the time and fly … it will be Great!