There are SEVEN interior light knobs in the F117 (plus about 40 screws to control the individual level of each panel/instrument) And I finally have them all working (not the screws )
The cockpit night graphics are certainly mesmerizing, Excellent work!
ANY Estimate on when this Nighthawk of the night sky may be available? Even if it’s a target date Guess… Something?
It’s almost there, but I think the limiting factor will be when/if I get marketplace approval. As far as core features go there is only about a month of work left, and that is being generous. But I do want to do a whole new external model, including textures, which would be at least another month or two, though i’d still be happy to release it without that and add it in a later update. Ideally, it comes out one way or another by November.
The last developer I heard who joined up took about 3 months to be accepted, or thereabouts. Not sure if they had prior experience or releases on other platforms though.
Going by the dev updates, its been about 3 months since anyone was accepted, and I started my submission at the start of March. I do have a backup plan either way.
I spent most of this week on the flight model, it’s now within 3% of correct climb, cruise and decent numbers. It may need its overall drag and thrust tuned down just a touch to get the right level decel values. Its landing AOA is also a little low but very close and I still have to do the roll and yaw rates. This is all a very fine balancing act to try and get the best possible fit, which is a bit harder when the aircraft isn’t a very conventional shape The good news is in testing I’ve had backflips from too much positive AOA, uncontrolled pitch down moments when negative AOA was past limits, and I’ve had stalls much like those described in the manual with the aircraft gyrating on all axis so I must be getting it close to pinned down.
As for visuals, I took a small break from FDE to add in the ability to move the glare shields, and if you forget to move them back, they get crushed by the canopy!
If I manage to get marketplace approval (long shot) it won’t be able to, but any non-marketplace version should have GBU, CBU, travel pods and AGM’s. But not till after I redo the external, which is actually the next and last thing on the list.
I was under the impression the F-16 was the first production aircraft with fly by wire. As far as I know they even used F-16 FBW systems in the Nighthawk.
Yes, I know about marketplace restrictions (Gosh!!!) I’ll buy not marketplace version, thx, good to know
And +1 for DCS version, however to do system here is more complicated that to do it for FSX, P3D and MSFS (and probably next 2-3 years of work) but I know many from community of DCS (me too) are waiting for Nighthawk too and You will be a milioner if you will decide to do F-117 to DCS .
Hmm, ok, however I dont think the problem are weapons here, we use it in F-16 Block 52 or in F/A-18C or A-10C II, most of the same and work in current models, probably bigger problem is how targeting systems are working, however according me its the same like in current models (or even worse, modern models has better quality pictures etc). The main thing is the “invisibility” and masking elements I suppose.