Aeroplane heaven electra

Hi everyone,

Is the VOR1 and VOR2 working in your Electra classic version? It is not for me, even though it works fine in the Modern and the Special versions. This is weird.

I tried to reinstall, empty Community folder, deleted context.xml… still the same.

I would appreciate if you could give me a feedback how it is with you before I drop an e-mail to Aeroplane Heaven.


The Boeing 247D is better in every respect and costs half. I’m glad I could return the Electra


No one is flying bad addons. AH is too busy crying about addon pricing in other forum, then fixing their products. Last time they cry, when JustFlight lower the price of their 146 Professional.


Thanks guys for the feedback.

I got the Boeing 247D as well and will fly the radio range nav across the States.

Though I still want to fly the Electra as I got a certain ‘mission’ for it in mind. These are just two different aircraft.

OK, I will reach out to Aeroplane Heaven.

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The Electra is very nice and in my opinion very underrated. Follow your heart.

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The Electra WOULD be nice if it cost 20 bucks. But for for over 30 it isn’t. Especially since AH has adopted the stance of releasing everything as abanonware. Fire and forget as soon as the next plane comes along without fixing what’s wrong with previous ones, and being rude to customers.


Everyone can price what they feel their product is worth. To some people that’s not okay. Not defending ANYONE but IN MY OPINION, i like how this plane flies in its current state. The AP works fine, the heading works fine and it’s immersive and feels nice in terms of flight model.

No one can win here, it’s matter of opinion. It’s not their fault that Wing42 released theirs afterwards and priced it 10 dollars less.

Not fighting you bro, i come in peace, leave me alone LOL!

No everything ok. To each his own. :slight_smile:

I don’t want to make you unhappy, i need your cockpit mods hahahahahahah :slight_smile:

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I like the electra. the modelling, textures, flightmodel and even the debatable sounds will (only just) pass on my part.

But it is a plane where i am disapointed in the updates it got after release. It doesnt feel finished. The adf and dme dont work, and some other promised updates never arrived.

It is the only plane i own, that withholds me from buying something again from the same developer. I really hope this fantastic plane gets updated.


Cannot agree more.

Electra does feel nice to me. Cockpit, night lighting… actually the ADF works.

Though the updates were a bit on the disappointing side. Either addressing unimportant issues (to me) like a window that actually opens or not addressing the critical ones (to me) like non functioning DME or engines not being supercharged.

I hope that their DC3 will come with all that and if it does they will implement it to the Electra as well.

Am I too optimistic?

If you’re interested, I can send you a more realistic supercharged engines.cfg file.

Thanks. I edited it myself already :+1:

Cant see the numbers of the frequency so i have to quess the frequency. Will send a screenshot later.

I’m a bit late to the party. Would you like to share the edited engine.cfg & Layout.json ?

As this plane is of special interest to me, just wanted to get a general consensus on its current state. I am so very tempted to buy it since AH added Amelia Earhart’s “E-special” version. I know AH has seemingly abandoned it, but my main question is this: is recreating Earhart’s world flight possible?

There are 2 main points that come to mind for this:

  1. Performance/systems - namely is the E special’s range accurate and does the fuel system work properly? I saw a post above about issues with crossfeed and fuel gauges.
  2. Navigation - does the autopilot work properly? I also found this to help… I would probably use it on my first attempt before considering a try with the old school equipment:
    Electra - Amelia Earhart Special with Modern Avionics » Microsoft Flight Simulator

So how does the AH Electra stack up? I understand it doesn’t have Wwise sound (to be fair, AH only said they’d “maybe add it later”). Of more concern to me, I see from posts above that AH didn’t supercharge the engines, but apparently it can be modified. Could someone perhaps create a mod for this and put it on flightsim_to, or at least specify what changes to make? I’d prefer a drag and drop mod if possible over having to muck about in config files. In fact, a one-stop improvement mod including the autopilot fixes (in the prior link) would be really nice to see.

Well, we are currently about to take part on leg 25 of this journey, and fuel has not been an issue thus far. When we have had legs long enough to warrant having the wings full of fuel, and some fuel in center tank, I have always started the flight with both engines draining from the center tank first, and then switched to wings after it ran dry. I have never attempted a crossfeed. Come join us on the MSFS discord later today if you would like!


No sorry. I have noticed that the edit of engines config messes up the performance to the point that it is unusable. In fact, I have deleted the engine mod altogether.

electra has just been updated - as of today v1.2.1


Can’t find any patch notes online. Can you share them (if they made them available)