Aerosoft CRJ - how VNAV works (with no autothrottle)

I’ve seen quite a few posts on the subject of VNAV and autothrottle. Just to confirm, there is no autothrottle on the CRJ and VNAV is normally advisory only. However there is a coupled VNAV option in the EFB. I did some digging and found this (albeit it relates to the P3D version, but I’m going to guess the MSFS version is very similar:

I also asked a question about how coupled VNAV can work without an autothrottle on their forums and got this answer:

Hope these help


I tried it briefly on one flight and it seemed to work fine. Somewhat easier to manage than VS mode since you just have to worry about throttle. It might be helpful for people overwhelmed during the descent phase.

Yeah, I’m still reading the tutorial instructions…:grin:

I keep forgetting about the throttle…Overspeed twice, almost stalled on final and forgot to set it to climb once too- that was a fun departure for sure:-)


I reinstalled the sim and now my crj 700 has no Vnav button

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@LawfulFob78, Check the options page on the EFB to make sure “Coupled VNAV available” is on.

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The CRJ has a VNAV function even without “Coupled VNAV”. Understand that Coupled VNAV is different from the normal VNAV. If @LawfulFob78 doesn’t have a VNAV button, there is some other issue.

Do you both understand how Coupled VNAV and the regular VNAV functions work?

Not sure how coupled vnav works

If it works like other aircraft with VNAV and no auto-throttle it will be something like this.

You set a VS to initiate a decent at a certain point. At that point the plane begins to decent at that VS. Then you need to set the throttle to match the desired speed.


You set a SPEED (IAS,FLC) to initiate a decent at a certain point. At that point the plane will hold that speed and you will controll VS with the throttle.


I could be completely wrong as I have not tried it in the CRJ, caveat emptor.

No, that’s regular VNAV. Coupled VNAV means the CRJ will autopilot the v/s itself to follow a specific path in space to the next waypoint. You still need to manage the throttle to avoid overspeeding.

As per my OP, I believe coupled VNAV still leaves the speed control to the pilot. I could be wrong, but as there is no auto throttle on the CRJ, it can’t control speed. That was the point of my original digging into this.

Gotcha i was completely wrong then.