Edit: After the seventh or eighth try, I was able to download the latest Sim Update 8 45mb patch from Aerosoft One- but it took forever with sub 1mb/s download speeds…!
I was hoping that the autofeather functionality would be modelled, along with the ability to feather the propeller. Unfortunately autofeather does not arm above 86-88% NG as the manual indicates it should, despite being selected:
I got airborne and pulled back condition lever 1, shutting off fuel from engine 1. It began winding down, so I took prop lever 1 back to feather. A note on the panel says to not retard the power lever back on the failed engine past half way until the prop is feathered, so I left both power levers full forward hoping this would actually allow the feathering of engine 1’s blades.
The RPM began slowing and the animation of the propeller in feathered position showed, although windmill slowly in the breeze whilst climbing at 80 knots IAS.
At this point I brought the power level on engine 1 back to idle, but there was no change to the props. After a few seconds the power level automatically jumped backed to full forward position, despite not touching the controls. This happened repeatedly every time I tried it.
The rotation of the propeller did not stop however, and then sped up to 10% RPM and stayed there, with the propeller animation returning to a spinning disc again. I’m not sure if this is accurate to the real aircraft- some of the lighter GA aircraft I’ve flown in real life will have a full stationary prop once feathered and in level flight, as does the PT6 on the default King Air and Caravan post SU8.
I pulled the fire handle to completely shut off fuel to the engine as well- but again no change. I also note that the annunciator for the Gen 2 fail had also lit up, despite engine 2 running normally.
I carried the aircraft back into land for a single engine touchdown, and upon coming to a stop on the ground, the propeller animation returned to the feathered position and stopped still.
Fairly disappointing all in all. I’d be interested to hear if others have been able to successfully feather props, and whether there is another technique I do not know about?