Hi there,
I’m currently doing a flight in the Heart Aerospace ES-30. When I turn my autopilot on, my plane ignores my GPS route and instead just maintains a left turn? I’m using nav mode, and can see the route on both my EFB and GPS.
Is this a bug or am I doing something majorly wrong?
Thank you.
You need to activate Nav mode on the Autopilot and also check its set to follow GPS rather than Vor’s. Currently you are in roll mode.
If that doesn’t work then try entering heading mode and using the heading adjustment dial manually bring the plane almost onto the magenta line at a shallow angle, when close activate Nav mode
After posting I resorted to using the heading mode, then when I turned nav mode back on it started to work again like you said. Was I just too far from the route when activating the autopilot?
Yes if too far away it wont activate so you need to intercept the track before switching to Nav mode
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I see, thank you for the help!
I have the same issue, but if I get exactly on the route track, it still won’t work.
If the nav source defaults to LOC1, make sure you switch it to FMS before you engage autopilot