After latest patch/update Update all airports missing

@hobanagerik Hi, it is strange, yes I, respectively the Microsoft Store installer had installed the community and object folders in D:\Program Files\Flightsimulator (apparently according to my choosing/setting it up respectively in the Windows App settings). I had the choice to set it up like that in Windows settings under storage. Until the recent patch everything was fine. So when the latest patch 1950 came up, I basically just quickly “clicked” me through and did not double check the updates destination folder. After having downloaded those 2.5 Gig, I started the program and recognized that all airports were missing, plus the market place and other strange things were happening. As I said, I had no choice, but to reset the app. Then after reinstalling the whole game again, I opened the addon A320NX installer (Flybywire) and saw that another community folder in C: (the one which is actually hidden and standard) was automatically chosen by the installer as destination, which made me suspicious. However after successful installation of the A320NX: 1.) I first checked that hidden folder, which contained now the A320NX 2.) then I have checked my community folder under D: which was empty 3.) so I checked the size of my D:\Program Files\Flightsimulator which showed 101 Gig. Meanwhile I have tested the program and it was functioning, even better than before, everything much smoother, faster…However by chance I have checked out my D: capacity and behold, I had an extra 103 Gig…obviously after resetting, Microsoft Store had installed the program in D: into it’s own hidden and heavy protected folder D:/Program Files/WindowsApps (Hidden items) not recognizing anymore my other installation in D:\Program Files\Flightsimulator, which was now still “full” with data but “useless” in my case. Being not entirely sure, I went on and deleted it with the result that 1.) having recovered space of 103 Gig :slight_smile: 2.) the main program was still working :wink: 3.) I was smarter than before, but just a little :smiley:

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I got the latest “UPGRADE” as soon as it came out but I did not know about the small patch that should have been downloaded prior to the upgrade process. Saw the screen thought it was glitch so closed it and proceeded with the upgrade. This caused several problems :

  1. Unable to get full power on any aircraft;
  2. Aircraft very unstable always wanting to pitch down;
  3. Always banking to the right;
  4. Crashes;
  5. Incorrect weather, thunder and lightning with clear skies;
  6. No ATC sound.

Wiped the game from the disk.
Re-installed (now 4 times) only two aircraft.
Downloaded and Installed:

  1. Premium Upgrade
  2. Premium Deluxe Upgrade

More aircraft present but not all, no glass cockpit, no A320.

This is worse than the original download.

As far as I know, if you don’t download the patch via the MS Store, MSFS will prompt you to do so, and then close. I don’t think there is any way you could run the upgrade without having the MS Store download completed first.

I’ve never had a problem with any of the patch installs. The very first one was slow, but that was because I was at home when it was released, so everyone was trying at the same time. The subsequent ones were released when I was at work, so by the time I got to download it, it was done in 10 minutes or so.

I’ve never seen the option NOT to run the smaller update in MS store. The sim reports that it must be installed and then shuts down and opens the store. There is only one choice and that is to acknowledge the message.

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It may have been so quick that I missed it down loading I don’t know.
The fact remains that it has changed the performance of some aircraft that were OK prior to the upgrade- the Diamond DA40NG is almost impossible to fly stalling at any AOA, power stays in green zone no take off power.
I wiped everything and reinstalled on different SSD. The installer screen came up an I let it run. Quick download of MSFS Premium Deluxe 98GB.
Started up again only 2 aircraft present.
Went into manage content and another 25GB to be down loaded.
Went into store and down loaded MSFS Premium Deluxe content another 9GB.
After all that all the aircraft were back.
Tested the DA40NG no change still wanting to dive into the ground cannot get take off power.
Checked the 172 glass cockpit flew nice but could not get full take off power just max cruise power.
Hope its fixed soon.

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What altitude were you when taking off in the DA40? Which airport were you at? It could be a leaning issue.